Back from the dead

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She has been unconscious again for hours after saying those two words.
Who's alive? Why did that happen?

Or is it perhaps......
She was talking about that girl? Ming ming....

20 minutes passed and she finally opened her eyes. She woke up near dinner time so i made lunch.

It was a awkward silence during lunch. She was quite as usual nut se seemed to get better after his happened.

Josa's POV

I keep thinking about what happened, it seemed easy in his eyes with only some lighting but a lot happened, it's just only i can see it.,

She took lots of my energy when she came back feom the dead, it makes me so weak now.

Water must be special for her, she managed to fibe me a sign of help in the water and also get back from the desd in the water.

She did a lot in the water...of course every ghost has his thing.
Hyunseong cleaned everything up and i just sat there doing nothing...
Well not nothing, i just watched a bunch of ghost that were around me.

Why are there a lot today?
Hey! Josa what are you starting at? he waved his hand over my face. I can tell that he knew the answer.

Oh that....
Let's go to sleep we need to go back early tomorrow.

He took a blanket and a pillow and layed down on the ground. He may be bothered if he sleeps in the bed with me..i don't know.

I couldn't sleep, there were too many ghosts around me. Hyunseong turned his back to me... It seems that he already fell asleep.

my eyes stayed wide open and kept moving in the bed. I watched hyunseong as he sleeeps peacefully.

It isn't boring at all to watch him sleep, he can't notice me watching him.

I guess i was wrong...he moved and was facing me...he did notice it.
But he just're not sleepy?

I nodded yes...i can't sleep...

Do you want me to put you asleep in my arm? I'm sure it'll help. He got up and came besides me under the blankets.

I got closer to him so that i can put my head on his chest amd he put me comfortably in his arms.

After that it was quite again, i think he fell asleep again but i didn't yet.
The ghosts won't leave.

You're not sleeping yet? What's wrong? I didn't amswer that...he probably already knows the answer.

Shall i sing a song to make you sleep?
Yes.. I tried to make my voice not sound scared because of the ghost that was really near us my the Window.

I closed my eyes to avoid them and concentrate on hyunseong's song.
The song began...

night, night my Josa
Fast asleep my josa..don't snore and don't laugh
Dogs do not bark
Night, night my Josa
Fast asleep, good night.

Please continue, I'm not sleepy yet... i hope that cute tone will help.
Luckily he continued singing.

the flowers budding in the hill above
The birds are chirping in the hills
My josa is sleeping.
Quality, quality, I'll sing quality
My Josa, pretty Josa
My josa, sweet and kind Josa
Fast asleep, good night
Fast asleep, good night my Josa
Night, night, fast asleep

(The song is in korean cause it sounds looked weird when i wrote it in English)

I'm off to dreamland in my sweet and protective Boyfriend's arms...


Finally thus chapter is done but it is shorter sorry :(
I didn't have further any great ideas but I'll try to write it in the next chapter.

Btw, the song is from the kdrama i just finished watching called
'My secret hotel' that drama is awesome...i suggest to everyone to watch it. Believe me, you won't regret it.

So that's it...
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