Chapter one

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I'll also be adding an outfit for you to wear if you don't like it you can change it :) I'm also laughing at how long it takes for me to scroll down to reach this chapter XD

The outfit

Bold=extraItalics=thoughts( )=person talking or thinking

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( )=person talking or thinking

Third person POV

The sound of people talking filled the halls and bounced of the walls (ha I'm a poet and didn't even know it) (???) "Are you serious!!" (Y/n) put her fingers over her lips telling her best friend to quiet down sasha let out a sigh (Sasha) "fine....but seriously your mum won't let you have a sleepover with me!" (Y/n) shook her head "no, not even my dad will let me." (Sasha) "that sucks." (Y/n) nodded.

Sasha Wilson and (y/n) (m/d/n) (l/n) the perfect duo and almost polar opposites but they do have their similarities. Sasha Is the opposite of a popular girl she's more of the "don't fuck with me, my family or my friends." Type of girl but despite her only friend being (y/n) she treats her as if she was a little sister she doesn't really care about anyone else she has many enemies and people she doesn't like but there's one person in particular who she hates with a burning passion their old ex best friend leo anyway we don't talk about that.

now like I said (y/n) and Sasha are almost polar opposites (y/n) is a nice and shy girl but she also has a lot of curiosity and is quite short tempered (not much) not only is she quite short tempered shes also quite short she has soft (h/l) (h/c) and beautiful (s/c) skin and her (e/c) eyes are like diamonds in the sky.

(Y/n) smiled at her best friends childish behaviour you see her parents were quite controlling when it came to their daughter especially after what happened after that incident (y/n) she's  become scared of being touched by the opposite gender an explanation is whenever a male grabs her arm/hand or anything or tries to hurt her or just touch her in anyway even if it's helping she'll immediately start freaking out her breathing will increase and her sight will become fuzzy those are the rare ones if she sees you trying to hold her hand she'll immediately pull it away or flinch at any physical contact.

(Sasha) "it's literally so unfairrrrrr" (y/n) wrapped her arm around sashas and smiled {(y/n)} "maybe another day but I do have a lot of homework and so do you." Sasha huffed but gave her friend a nod. The duo continued walking down the halls and out the front door (Sasha) "I'll see you tomorrow (y/n)" (y/n) waved to Sasha as they went their separate ways.

After a while of walking she had reached the antique shop run by the friendly old lady that was just a few minutes away from her house the lady walked out the shop and smiled at the girl (imma name her Eliza) (Eliza) "hello, (y/n) dear. How are you today." {(y/n)} "I'm alright Eliza,how's your hip?" The old lady gave her a smile as she carried a brown box out the front onto a table saying "free toys." (Eliza) "the same as usual but won't stop this old lady from beating up any thieves."

(Y/n) giggled at the old lady's actions (Eliza) "oh by the way dearie as the sign says I'm selling some old toys I found in my attic feel free to take as many as you want." (Y/n) smiled at the woman and gently bowed "thank you Eliza." She stood up straight watching the old woman walk back into the shop before turning her attention to the box.

She walked over to the box and looked inside there was : a music box, a few baby toys, barbie dolls, teddy bears but the things that caught her attention were the three stuffed animal toys the first one was a panda she had beautiful blue eyes, pink cheeks a cute pink bow, pink trousers and a small pink heart on her chest.

The second one was a tiger he had one green eye the other eye was replaced a black button, he had a blue tie attached to his chest and black trousers.

And finally a small Grey bunny with yellow eyes, a small red bow was attached to his chest the only other thing he wore was a pair of blue trousers.

(Y/n) smiled at the three toys and noticed the small sticky notes attached to them on the panda was written the words "Miss bo" on the tiger "mr stripes" and on the bunny "mr hopp" the girl took off her backpack and unzipped it taking off the sticky notes she put all three stuffed animals in her bag before zipping it up.

She put her bag back on her back before poking her head through the shop door {(y/n)} "bye Eliza have a nice day!" The old woman smiled at the young girl (Eliza) "you too dearie, be safe!" (Y/n) smiled at the old woman continuing her journey back home not knowing what she's just done by taking home those three stuffed animals.

First chapter done it took a while and a lot of thinking I really hope you enjoyed it :)

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