Chapter five

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(Chapter is a bit shorter)
Bold=extra/Yandere hopp's

Third person POV

(Y/n) awkwardly stood in front of the three demons and mr stripes crossed his arms over his chest (mr stripes) "care to explain what that was about?" (Y/n) let out a sigh {(y/n)} "I'm not comfortable or ready to explain to you guys the whole story but all you need to know is something happened that scarred me and because of that I've been afraid of getting touched by the opposite sex/gender." Me bo's eyes widened "oh just tell us what happened when you're ready." (Y/n) smiled and mr hopp's looked at (y/n) a frown on his face 'so she's afraid of being touched by the opposite sex but that won't stop me she's mine and only mine and I need to prove that to her and the best way in my opinion to prove you love someone is by holding them close so her little fear won't stop me from making her mine but first I need to get rid of  her parents especially after they hurt my (y/n).'

Memories of what happened came flooding back (y/n) clenched her eyes shut and opened the door (mr stripes) "where the hell are you going?!" {(y/n)} "I just want to be alone for a bit and i need an ice pack for this slap and both my parents have gone to work so it's the perfect time." (Y/n) opened the door and went downstairs grabbing an ice pack and placing it on her cheek before sitting down on the couch and putting on (favourite show/movie) slowly forgetting about the demons in her room and drifting into a sleep.

Sorry it's really short but I need to get to sleep I hardly slept last night I'll try and make the chapter longer tomorrow.

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