𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6

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Serhan gives him a reassurance look and drives home.

He walks in

"in the bathroom!" she pants. A baby is heard in the bathroom.
Oya looks at Merve and smiles. "is it a girl"
Merve nods and smiles. She gives Oya the baby.

Oya smiles. "hey"

He drops the keys and runs
He holds Oya's hand and kisses her forehead
"Baby! Are you okay? Im so sorry..."
He looks at Merve
"Why didnt you called me?! You should've!"

"i was busy! Giving birth isn't easy!" she looks at him. "she literally came to the earth 12 minutes ago..."

Oya looks at Serhan. Merve helps Oya up and takes her to the bed. Oya smiles and she looks at Merve. "remember when we pretended to be moms when we were little"

Merve giggles. "yeah..."
Oya looks at Serhan. "wanna hold her"

"I'll call her Ipek Aksak"

He looks suspiciously at Merve.
"Could you give us a moment? And thank you"

Merve looks at Serhan and she gets up. "oya... I'm making hot chocolate.. You'll need it" she kisses the baby forehead softly. She walks to the kitchen. She turns around

Serhan locks the bathroom door. He sits on the ground next to Oya. He kisses her forehead.
"Good job, mommy. I love you"

He holds the baby and smiles brightly. Tears of happiness stream down his face
"Hey...daddy's here."

Oya looks at him. "are you okay..." she looks at the Ipek. Ipek giggles and holds Serhan finger

He nods. And kisses Ipek's forehead.
"You need to rest...Im so happy right now. But we need to talk about Merve When you're rested."

"she's so beautiful. Our girl is beautiful. Just like her mommy"

Oya smiles and she looks at Ipek. Merve tries to open the door. "...." she knocks

Serhan gives Ipek to Oya and picks her up bridal style
"Do you need a doctor to check up on you?"
He opens the door and takes Oya to lay down in bed
He walks past Merve and looks at the hot chocolate
"That wont be necessary for now, thank you. Oya should rest"

Merve nods and she walks to the kitchen. She drinks the hot chocolate

Oya closes her eyes. "hnmm"

Merve looks at her phone and texts someone. She stops and she bites her lip. She closes her mouth. "...."

Serhan sits in bed close to Oya and strokes her hair. He looks at her and Ipek and smiles
"I wont make the same mistake twice. This i Promise you"

He sneaks out and crosses his arms leaning at the kitchen door. He clears his throat

Merve stared at her phone a little and she flinches. "hey..." she hides her phone. "....."

He stares at her
"Oh dont mind me...carry on"

He walks to her and stares at her coldly as a warning
"Im watching you. I know what you did. You wont lay a finger on my daughter."

Merve looks at him. ".... If Oya allows it.... I'll touch her....." she looks away. "...."

He grabs her arm tightly and pulls her.
"Dont test me. I know you. But your little chess game will fall soon"

He releases her and walks to the bedroom

Merve flinches. "....." She backs up and she looks at her phone.
She touches her screen. Picture of Edip. "...." Oya walks to her. "hey..." Merve looks at Oya and she gives her phone. Oya takes and she reads. "....."

"out of habit" she bites her lip

Oya holds her. "it's still new... Give yourself time..."

"i miss him so much..." she cries. Oya strokes her hair.

Serhan lays down Next to Ipek on her crib. He had to squeeze himself to fit or at least to have a minimum Comfort. He holds her close to his chest and hums a Lullaby he used to sing to Mila when she was a baby

Ipek closes her eyes. "......."
Merve sits on the bed. Oya kisses her forehead. "get some rest" she goes out and walks to Serhan. She sits. "hey...." Oya looks at Ipek

He was almost falling asleep. He lifts his head towards the door and groans. That crib was tiny.
"What are you doing up, my love? I'll be right there. She's sleeping so peacefuly"
He looks at Ipek and strokes her cheek

He sits up
"Oya can we talk about this?"

Oya looks at him. "sure..."
She sits up

He groans and tries to sneaks out of the crib, after struggling a lot to get out of it.
He pants and sits on his knees. He holds Oya's hand
"You'd never hide anything from me, right? Be honest."

Oya nods. "of course not...." she looks at him. "what's going on..."

"tell me the truth. Since the beginning. You can tell me everything. I wont be mad you. Is Merve threathening you in some way?"

"is something else im missing from that party?"

She sighs. "no... Serhan....."
"didn't i tell you..."

"she's not here to listen. She can fool you anytime. I just...dont want you to get too comfortable around her, now with Ipek and suddenly... she'll do something crazy. We both know Merve"

"she changed... I don't want her to be alone now"

"what if she's playing you?"

"i dont want her around Ipek. And i dont want you to let her hold her"

"okay... Okay..." she looks at Ipek
She closes her eyes

He holds her and helps her lay down
"She'll have to prove herself. I dont believe a single word she says. I'll have to see it with my own eyes"

"i want to protect you both. no matter what happens to me. I'll do anything to keep you both safe"

He pulls her close to his chest and holds her.

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