5:53, blue hour ~

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5:53, blue hour

Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai. Five boys that have been sticking together ever since they were eight years old. Making a promise they will stay together. Tomorrow and forever. For eternity, one might say.

"Where do you go after you die?" The youngest asked his friend. "I don't know Kai" Yeonjun answered with his eyes still amazed by the stars. "Magic island" Beomgyu said after a few moments of silence. "Magic island?" Taehyun said with a confused face. "From what I know you go to heaven" Soobin said with a mouth full of chips. "No, magic island. My mom said that" Beomgyu said trailing off at the end. The hurtful memories of his mother's death coming back. Yeonjun saw how the mentioning of the youngers mother affected his mood. His smile faded away. The older scooted over to Beomgyu putting an arm around his shoulders. "Your mom was right, it is magic island" he said flashing a reassuring smile to the shorter male.

Ever since that day when they were fifteen, going outside at 5:53 was a tradition for them. The perfect mix between hot and cold when the sun goes down. And when everything magical happens.

Ah, sweet seventeen. But how sweet is it really? For Beomgyu, it was more of a timer for when he finally can leave what he is supposed to call his "home". It doesn't matter that it's his birthday. His father doesn't care. Unlike his mom used to be his father is the polar opposite. He treats his son as a burden, something that's just taking up space, money, and food. After his mom's death things weren't the same. It was not at all a loving household like it used to be. His father fell into a habit of drinking making him not a reliable and caring parent figure. Beomgyu wasn't scared of death. Multiple failed attempts just proved more that the life he's living is nothing ideal or dreamy

Yeonjun wasn't living in pristine conditions either. His parents were almost always arguing. Nagging on each other, screaming, and even fighting. But he would've never thought a day would come where his dad actually laid his hand on his mom. The woman that carried his child. The woman he loved oh so much preaching his vows. Yeonjun could move out of this abusive household. He is almost eighteen, he has the funds. But why would he leave his mom to suffer in this all alone by herself? Sure, he also needed to go through the constant screaming and beating, but it was almost as if leaving felt worse for him.

In fact, all of the five boys went through hardships in their household. From lack of money to lack of love. All of them went through terrible things in a way or another. That's why they became so close to each other. When the boys became teenagers they all realized that the things that are happening to them are not supposed to be happening. They started opening up to each other and decided to do something. They had a plan. But they were scared to go through with it. All for different reasons. But they knew they're gonna do it, one day.

Eighteen was not as fun for Soobin as everyone made it seem to be. Out of all the boys he had it the best. A family, enough money, a girlfriend even. But something inside him always ruined everything. A voice inside his head telling him he's not good enough. That he's unloved, ugly, annoying. It really changed him as a person. He went from being this bubbly, funny guy to the quiet, nice guy that is secretly in more pain than he shows. Maybe it doesn't sound like much to the average person, "He matured" some might say but that's far from the truth. This boy was seriously hurting inside and he didn't know why. It all got worse on December sixth. The day after his birthday. "Hey, I need to talk with you about something" Soobins girlfriend said looking nervously at the floor. He already knew something bad was coming his way. "Yeah, go ahead" he said smiling even tho he already felt like crying. "I- I think we should break up..." she said trailing off at the end. There it was. The thing he feared the most. He knew they wouldn't last forever but he never was ready for this. I mean, who is?

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