Chapter 3: Crowned King

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•William Franklyn Miller •

Hatred wasn't the right word for how I felt about Patrick. I didn't particularly hate him. It was more so just an extreme dislike that was based on difference of opinion. I honestly didn't have a problem with him other than the fact the he was weak minded. He didn't have the courage to do what was necessary. He believed in forgiveness and understanding. I believed in punishment and order. I believed in placing a little fear into the minds of people so they wouldn't get out of order. It was only for their best interest.

"Why do you look so down Alex (Alex Ruygrok)?" I asked. I could barely make his face out through the camp fire, but he seemed distracted. It was just the two of us sitting outside under the night sky, taking in the cooling air.

"I missed Alec's birthday," he replied softly. Alex willingly chose to follow me, even with Alec being his best friend. He wasn't banished like the the bunch of us. He could walk back to the other side and act like everything was alright. At times he even acted as a mediator. Despite me and Patrick's differences we had established some sort of communication, just to exchange needed supplies.

"Why didn't you travel to the West side of the island yesterday when we traded material? If it's something that's important to you then you should do it," I explained. Although he might not look it, Alex was a very apprehensive boy. Someone who didn't fit the forming harsh culture on our side of the island. There were times were I had to protect him from the others because he was a lot softer and caring.

"I wanted to make sure the young ones had enough to eat," he explained. That caring personality would get him hurt if he wasn't careful. The younger kids were only here because of an older sibling or two. It wasn't his job to take care of them. They had someone looking out for them.

I reached out gently touching Alex's cheek and sighed. I was to blame for his predicament. I should've told him the same thing I told my little brother.

"Alex, that isn't your job. All you have to do is sit your pretty self here and be mine," I cooed coyly into his ear. His sparkling blue eyes suddenly softened along with his posture. This gave me all the right to pull him closely and kiss the top of his head.

"You do know I love you, right?" I asked. I felt like I didn't say it enough. Lately I had been focused on other things.

"Of course. I love you too. I just wish there was something I could do. There's no point to all of this fighting. Why can't we all just..."

"What I did can't be forgiven and I understand that. It doesn't matter if I or the people who follow me think I'm right. I took a life without the knowledge of Patrick or the others. It's why I didn't put up a fight when they all decided to ban me from ever stepping foot near them," I explained. Alec raised his head so that we were eye level and looked at me questioningly.

"But Kyle deserved it. He..."

"Shhhh...I don't like being reminded of the fact that it was his fault we ended up on this god forsaken island in the first place," I huffed. Nothing would ever make me regret my decision in doing what I did. Kyle got what he deserved and I made sure of that. There was no point in regretting my actions. I felt justified in them and no one could tell me different.

"I just wish the Doves didn't see it that way," Alex sighed, nuzzling his head into my chest.

"Doves? Is that what they're calling themselves now?" I asked.

"Apparently it's a name coined by that bitch Athena!" Alex huffed.

"Bitch? I think I'm rubbing off on you. Or maybe you really don't like the fact that she's my ex," I chuckled, hoping to tease him a little. Alex rolled his eyes, but his arms tightened their grip around me. Sometimes I wish I had the strength to push him away and tell him that I was no good. Part of me knew that. This island had changed me. I wasn't the boy he had fallen for anymore. I was something completely different and Alex had yet to realize that, or maybe he did and he just didn't care.

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