Chapter 15: War of End

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Bryce's P.O.V

The news of Alex's disappearance had spread like sun rays hitting the night sky. It was an instantaneous fear that struck us. Most of us understood that Alex was the only thing keeping William sane. Our unstable leader was mentally sick. It was a topic we never discussed but we all knew. The island had caused all of us to change in some way or form, but we had morals we lived by. Despite our situation, we knew right from wrong and William constantly blurred that line. All it really took was for something to trigger him. William had become something unrecognizable and was about to start the end of all of us, even the doves.

So we silently marched in the birth of sunlight towards the shorelines where the Doves lived and prepared ourselves to do what we never wanted. We weren't killers. We weren't inherently violent. We were just kids who had no way. Who had no one to care for them anymore.

Alex disappearance had caused the inevitable. It didn't take me long to figure out that Patrick had nothing to do with it. Athena kept insisting that it was Patrick's doing. Something just didn't sit right with me knowing that she was trying so hard to convince William of that. Patrick wasn't someone who'd pull such a risky move let alone risk the lives of everyone on the island.


Alex's P.O.V

The sun was rising leaving the sticky and wet air to warm to an almost unbearable temperature. I had spent all night searching for a way to get back to camp before William realized I was missing, but I knew I was too late. I also knew Athena was getting ready to set him loose on the doves. She yearned for a revenge and was willing to do anything to get it. Even if it meant taking us all down with her.

It felt like forever before I found the beach, only it was unrecognizable. I thought for a moment, realizing how far I must've wondered. I was probably on the other side of the island, which meant I was too far away to make it back to what was probably war on the other side. I knew death was unavoidable and that by the time I got back William or Patrick would lose their life.

There was nothing I could possibly do. There thoughts paused as my eyes seemed to notice something in the distance. A large object floating slowly through the water.

It was a ship.

A ship that had helicopters flying in this direction.


I knew something was approaching. I had a gut feeling about it. William couldn't stand around and do nothing. Eventually we'd have to fight. It wasn't a lack of resources nor jealous intent. It was simply because we disagreed. It was because he had taken a life that was never meant to be taken and those who believed it was justified supported him. Somehow I knew that William's sanity was slowly slipping away. There was no point to any of this anymore. If he succeeded in gaining full control of the island, what would he do next? This wasn't just to implement and force his beliefs onto people. He wanted to control them with fear.


It happened at the break of dawn. The silence was almost deafening. I hadn't been able to sleep because of the possibility of me being a father. I didn't know what to do. I was young. I didn't know the first thing about raising a child, let alone with a girl who hated me. I had burned every bridge with Athena.

The moment I heard light footsteps, I knew William was here with his small army, ready to take what we had worked so hard to build. I quickly maneuvered myself from up under Alec so I wouldn't wake him and quietly exited my hut. Standing there with their faces painted a dark red and sharp spears pointed at me were William's guards. With a simple command they could kill me. Some of them bared hatred in their eyes for me. I recognized that I could have been responsible for their banishment. It was a punishment that I only relied on as a last resort. Those who were unwilling to change or committed the worst acts were banished.

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