Chapter 7: I Don't Belong Here

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•Alex Ruygrok•

"Make sure the bamboo is tied together tightly, William would not be pleased if it all collapsed when we transport it," Athena supervised as if she had been William's 2nd in charge all along.

Everyone took to her like she belonged on this side of the island. They treated her like she was some prophet sent from heaven to help William.

"Hmm...she's only been here for a day and she's already more accepted than you'll ever be," a sour tongue spoke into my left ear. I tried to ignore the pestering voice that belonged to none other than one of the Angel brothers, but they always seemed to piss me off.

"Do you honestly think I care Avi?" I replied bluntly. He and Asher shared that same cocky conniving little smirk that I wanted to rip off their faces. It left me wondering where the older of the pair was.

"Of course you do. Your William's little pet that he keeps around for entertainment purposes. The moment he stops showing you attention you bark like the little bitch you..."

"Avi, you need to chill out. You really think he wouldn't go run to his owner and tell him what you said. The last thing I want is William up my ass about his bitch," Asher laughed, stopping his shitty brother from receiving a foot to the face. The brothers believed in that Alpha male bull-crap. They thought that the strongest was someone who could impose their will over all of us. Someone who intimidates others with their simple presence. Someone like William.

I on the other hand was deemed weak because I cared to much about others. I wanted to see people happy and they wanted to step all over anyone they saw as lower than them.

"Wouldn't be the only thing up your ass now would it?" I boldly retorted. Asher was a like a bomb waiting to explode at any minute. If you pushed him enough he'd turn to violence quicker than anyone on the island. Part of me knew his temper was out of control, but I wasn't ready to face the wrath of a 6ft 18 year old tackling me to the ground.

I knew how to defend myself, but there were times were it wasn't worth it. I could fight off one of them, but both of them was a task I wasn't sure about.

I tried to squirm away from him, but I was quickly pinned down and punched right in the gut. His younger brother stood there laughing as I heaved for air.

I probably deserved this. My big mouth didn't have a filter and hinting at Asher's secret night time escapades with Joshua (Bassett) wasn't my wises moment. It was meant to be kept a secret.

Asher hit me once more just to make a statement. If I ever said anything about his homosexual activities with another boy he'd probably kill me.

I watched as the brothers walked away, leaving me on the ground. I tried to get to my feet but I still couldn't breath and I felt slightly dizzy. It wasn't until I felt familiar hands that I finally released a gasp of air.


I sat on Williams cot as he looked at the bruising around my ribs. "It's nothing serious, but if he would've hit you any harder he would've broken one," he sighed, letting my shirt fall back down.

"Will, it's..."

The taller boy stopped me from saying anything by standing up. I could never tell what he was thinking. His face was always so stoic.

"I'm giving you the choice between 3 punishments. The first is doing to him what he did to you. The second is throwing him off the southern cliff, which I highly doubt you'd pick, or..." William thought for a moment, smiling when something came to mind.

"I beat the shit out of Joshua. It's only right since Asher decided to put his hands on you without me being there," William suggested. I didn't agree with any of it. I just wanted it all to be over with. It was my fault for opening my mouth in the first place. I didn't want others getting hurt despite what Avi had said to me.

"How'd you know about Joshua?. They..."

William placed his index finger over my lips and smiled at me. "I know everything Alex. I know who fucks who. I know who wants to fuck who. I even know who shouldn't be fucking," he explained. Maybe that was true, but I didn't want more violence. If we were going to survive, then finding common ground was for our best interest.

"I don't know William. A punishment sounds to harsh. I don't want people conspiring against you because they feel..."

William interrupted me again with his index finger as if to say that I what I thought didn't matter. "I have eyes and ears everywhere and what they tell me is that Asher doesn't want people knowing he's gay. I also know that you don't like Athena being here very much," William brought up. I quickly lowered my eyes feeling pathetic for ever opening my mouth.

"Are you threatened by her?" He asked.

I slowly nodded my head yes. Her presence made me feel uneasy and possessive all in one.

"If I had sex with you and only you would that make you happier?" William questioned. I was very aware of his side hookups and never batted an eye at it, but it would make me feel good if he curbed his desires for me. However I refused to let him see me be that selfish.

"It's okay to want me all to yourself Alex. It's not like I can compare anyone else. I'm fine with being yours," William smiled.


"Shhh...don't you open those pretty lips of yours unless it's something you want. I'll do anything for you Alex, even if that means teaching shit heads like the Angel brothers a little lesson," William claimed. I really didn't want to know what he intended to do with Asher. I knew what William was capable of and I didn't want to see another Kyle situation.

"You don't have to worry yourself to much either. I won't kill him," William clarified before kissing me on the cheek and leaving me with my own thoughts. I wanted to chase after him and tell him that Asher wasn't worth it, but I also wanted to see him squirm the same way he made me. I don't know if it was William rubbing off on me or if I was becoming someone who just enjoyed the idea of someone getting what they deserved.

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