Chapter 5: He's What I Want

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•Patrick Heaney

I walked along the beach unsure of how to approach Alec. His anger was indefinite and well deserved. I had hurt him beyond forgiveness even though I never meant to. My intentions were merely to grant him anything he wanted. I never figured that maybe he wanted me.

When I finally found him he was inland, bathing in the natural hot spring that only he and I knew about. We found it on our way out of the cave that we had spent that steamy night in committing the mistake I never wanted to forget.

He didn't notice me at first. His soft blue eyes were closed enjoying the relaxing warmth of the water. I stepped closer hoping not to startle him.

"Ahem...Alec, it's me," I said announcing my presence. His eyes opened slowly, instantly avoiding me as he looked elsewhere.

"What do you want? I know your only here because you want something from me," he asked. He was as sharp as razor blade. There was no hiding things from him. He could read me better than Athena.


"You only notice me when I'm useful to you, so don't try to apologize or act like we're on good terms again. Just tell me what you need," he asserted. I was frozen in shock and my eyes were glued to his naked body as he stepped out of the hot water. Alec was extremely desirable to me. Maybe that's why I couldn't get what we did out of my head. I only came back to reality when he began snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Your helpless aren't you? You don't even know what you..."

"I'm cutting things off with Athena," I blurted out. Alec didn't even react. He still had that annoyed and unnerved expression on his face.

"So that's your response? You take the easy way out. You figured if you appear single that I'll forgive you. That's not..."

"What you want? I know that already. I know what you want. It's what I want too Alec. So please, just come back to camp with me," I pleaded. I'd get on my knees and beg if he wanted me to. I wanted Alec next to me and safe. All this wondering around in anger was making
me anxious. The last thing I wanted was for him to run into a crow.

"Then what? Are you saying what I think your saying?" He questioned. I bit my lip, knowing that if I wanted Alec next to me I'd have to sacrifice my reputation and pride. If they didn't want me as their leader because of what I did then I'd give up the title. Alec meant that much to me.

"I'd do anything Alec. I can't stop thinking about what we did in that cave. I haven't touched Athena since because" I couldn't utter another word as a still naked Alec ran into my arms. I held him, using my index finger to raise his chin so that he was looking at me.

I had quietly missed being this close to him. There was no denying it anymore. I was madly captivated by every part of him. "I think I'm in love with you," I confessed. Alec's lips parted to reply, but nothing came out. I just smiled at him and leaned down, connecting our lips and letting his body completely giveaway into mine.


I broke the kiss between me and Alec and spun around to face Athena. Had she followed me?

"Athena? What are you doing?" I asked.

"What do you mean you fucking cheating sack of..." she paused, her eyes feasting upon a scared Alec.

"You! William warned me about you when he left! I should've fucking listened!" She fumed.

"Athena, calm down. I was going to tell you everything. I just..."

"Just what Patrick. Wanted to get some ass before coming back to camp to break my heart?! I can't believe I trusted you! And to think that I was worried about Alec only to find out your here with him!" She exploded, beginning to cry. I continued to hide Alec's nakedness from her by keeping myself in front of him. This was also to stop her from attacking him. I knew how crazy she could get when she was upset. It was almost the same murderous intent William had when he was angry.

I felt Alec holding onto the back of my shirt, to scared to move a muscle. Athena was extremely quick to notice this and began laughing in the middle of her sobbing. "You know two deserve each other! I should've notice it when you stopped having sex with me. I thought maybe it was because you were just busy, but I'm positive it was because he seduced you," she claimed.

"Alec wasn't the one to seduce me. It was me who initiated it," I said defending him.

"Does it matter. He still let it happen knowing that me and you were together. That makes him lower than scum!" She proclaimed.

"And what does that make me?" I questioned. I knew all the judgement would somehow fall on Alec, regardless of what I did. William was only ever right about one thing. I was the golden child who seemed untouchable. It didn't matter what I did. I'd always be given the benefit of doubt.

"What?" She replied in her heat if confusion.

"What does that make me Athena. You can't blame him and then act like I didn't do anything wrong. It's my fault too. So shouldn't I be punished accordingly?" I explained.

"No, your our leader. You can't..."

"I'm not a god Athena. If you feel that I need to be held accountable than hold me accountable. I made a mistake and I need to face the consequences of said mistake," I explained further. There weren't rules that outlined the punishment for cheating. It seemed childish to make up such rules about things that could be handled civilly, but if Athena felt that something needed to happen for her to get closure than so be it.

She thought for a moment, her eyes landing back on Alec. I knew what she wanted before she ever even opened her mouth. "I'm not leaving his side Athena. You can take my title as leader away if you want. You could force us out of the camp if you'd like, but I'm never leaving him alone again," I emphasized.

"Then I'll go," she murmured.


I tried to convince her to stay, but there was nothing I could do. If she wanted to leave she was more than welcomed to. I didn't have the authority to stop her.

Alec hadn't said a word since we returned to camp. I'm sure he felt the same way I did, but there was little we could do about it. Guilt was something we'd both have to face together.

"She didn't tell anyone," the quiet boy said, once we made it inside of my hut. I wondered why she kept my infidelity with Alec to herself. Maybe she still cared about how I looked to the rest of the camp, or maybe she was thinking of using it against me when the time came. I feared that William was always planning something. He had no reason, other than to assert his power over everyone on the island.

"Don't worry about it Alec. I'll handle it," I said with a reassuring smile.

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