Chapter 6: Handle It

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Alec Golinger

Patrick didn't understand it. I never wanted him to leverage his role as leader for me. He was the only one who could lead and anyone with conmen sense knew that. I wasn't worth the mess .

"You don't seem happy? I thought this was what you wanted?" Oscar asked me. My hair blocked him from seeing me glare at him. Oscar always found a way to make me feel stupid. Of course I wanted Patrick, but I didn't want it at the cost of him giving up his role as leader.

"It is," I mumbled back.

"Then at least smile Alec. I know living on the island isn't anyone's ideal home, but you have Patrick now. You have someone who cares about you. Not all of us have that," Oscar explained. It didn't take long for people to start noticing Patrick and I. Questions slowly become suspicion and it was only a matter of time before people confronted him.

Oscar was also right. Some of the other kids were fated with loneliness the moment we wrecked here. Suicide was something that plagued the minds of a lot of us. That's why Patrick made it a mission to be open with everyone.

"How do you do that?" I asked a cheery Oscar. He was always in high hopes. Then again, so was Dylan. It was an attitude I had yet to adopt.

"How do I do what? Smile? I don't know. Sometimes I don't. Some days are harder than others, but then I remember that I'm still alive and that there are people who care about me. People who love me," Oscar explained. There seemed to be something on his mind that was a little to private for my ears. A memory with Dylan perhaps?

"Alec, there you are!" An out of breath Noah (Jupe) exclaimed. He and a number of other boys were the camps outlooks. If they weren't gathering materials, then they were looking out for any signs of the crows or wild beasts.

"What's wrong, where's Patrick?!" I replied worriedly.

"Patrick's fine, but the crows were spotted at the meeting point. I guess they're ready for trade," Noah explained. I wondered when they'd respond to my call. There was trading post set up at the center of the island that worked as neutral ground for simple trade of items and material. It was also were Kyle's grave was. I wanted there to be a constant reminder of what William did.

I sighed with relief and looked at Oscar. "Will you come with me to the trading post?" I asked. Oscar seemed a little hesitant at first. He was the only one who knew Kyle on a personal level. He was practically his best friend.

"Don't worry, William would never show his face unless he knew Patrick would be there," I assured Oscar. It was an unwritten rule amongst the leaders. The last time William or Patrick showed their face at the trading ground they both were almost killed.

"Ok," Oscar whispered.


The trip to the trade post was about a 30 minute walk give or take. We still weren't sure how large the island was because no one ever explored the southern part. It was divided by a large cliff that was to dangerous for anyone to descend.

When we made it to the designated area I was surprised to see Alex there. He was standing next to who I assumed were his personal guards. They held spears and wore red clay around their eyes and bark mask to hide their identity. Alex was highly protected for reasons that were beyond me. He was probably the only thing William cared for, which made him a liability. If we ever wanted to take their side of the island, then Alex would be our trump card. That was my only thought process behind why he had guards.

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