Chapter 14: Whispers of war

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•Gabriel Bateman •

The energy around camp was tense. News of Athena's pregnancy had traveled fast and people were talking. We didn't know what William's next move was or how he was going to use Athena's situation against Patrick. Some even argued the point of all this. It was stupid to fight when we all were just trying to survive.

"I just don't understand why we can't live in peace? All this talk about revenge...some of us deserve to be banished from the doves," Bryce spoke freely. I glared at him pointedly. Had he ever thought about how it felt to be humiliated and casted aside as if you didn't matter. Unlike me, Bryce wasn't banished. He could return if he wanted to.

"Do you remember what they did to me?! They accused me of rape and threw me away like I was trash. I was innocent Bryce!How can you possibly say that when..."

"And so was Kyle!" Bryce replied with sudden exasperation. Instantly I cowered away from him feeling as though Bryce had every reason to yell at me. Most of us knew Kyle was innocent yet we all blindly followed William. Some out of fear and others out of respect.

"There was no reason for his murder! William killed him in cold blood because he needed somebody to blame for our circumstances. I was with Kyle in his room the night of the crash. You don't think that makes everyone who agrees with William a hypocrite? By following him your agreeing to the murder of an innocent person. You don't think if given the chance, he'd do the same to you?" Bryce argued. I could never argue against what made sense.

Bryce shook his head, his face becoming unreadable. "I'd never forgive myself if he hurt you," he spoke softly. Bryce cared way to much about me. I never understood why or how he even began feelings this way. If he wanted to protect me then he'd would be on the doves side.

"But you...why are you on this side."

"Because he's the only one willing to explore the southern part of the island. Like I told you before, I want to get you away from both camps. I know you Gabe. I know you want those who did you wrong to pay, but I also love you. I love you so much that I'm willing to sacrifice everything to make that hate inside of you go away," Bryce explained. I stood there dumbfounded and lost. I was the reason Bryce kept risking his life. He knew the path I was heading down was going to end with my demise and he was trying to pull me away. Trying to protect me from myself.

•Alex Ruygrok•

I normally never sat alone because I was always a target for someone to pick on. However, the Asher situation had forced people to avoid me like a virus. They avoided even making eye contact with me out of fear of William's rage.

"You look lonely," Athena's voice spoke with clarity. Somehow I knew she knew how I felt about her. I didn't trust her around William and I definitely didn't respect her decision to keep her unborn child away from its father. It was selfish and uncalled for. Maybe Patrick was wrong for cheating on her, but he didn't deserve to be stripped of his happiness.

I turned around and glared up at her. The fire that was now behind me cracked into the cold air with every passing second. I was suddenly afraid because I knew danger was close. I just didn't know how close.

"Are you worried Alex? Are you worried that I'll take William away from you?" She asked with every intention of getting under my skin. I stood up to face her only to be held in place by one of the guards. I tried to look back to see who it was that was holding me, but they hid their face behind a wooden mask. This was a planned attack. An attack that would cause war if something were to happen to me. I was William's only weakness and if something were to happen to me, the doves would be blamed.

"You want to know make William weak. He cares to much about you. He needs somebody who's strong enough to take what they want. Someone more...present.." Athena spoke sourly. I tried to fight whoever was holding me, but there was no point. Athena was right; I was to weak, to dependent, to stupid to realize that I was on the wrong side.

I suddenly felt my body going weak. I tried to scream, but nothing came out. It was as if I couldn't control my own body. As darkness consumed me, I knew that everything was about to change.


When I awoke it was dark outside and I was soaking wet. I was lying in a shallow pond with nothing but trees surrounding me. The sound of crickets chirping and fireflies dancing above my head seemed to remind me of reality. As I sat up, the world seemed like it was spinning. I sat there for a minute letting myself adjust a little. The moment the spinning stopped I felt pain shoot directly up my arm. I grimaced and groaned at the feeling, realizing that my arm was probably broken and that I had been thrown off the cliff that lead to the southern part of the island. The parts that hadn't been explored.

I looked around, jumping back when I spotted the worn down remains of those who committed suicide a few months after the shipwreck. I could see the skulls and longer bones sticking up out of the water. It was something we never talked about because of the nature of all of it. Some had lost their entire families and joining them seemed like their only option.

As I stood up I pushed my fingers into my the skin of my left arm, feeling around for any severe breaks. When I didn't feel any I knew that it was probably just dislocated. That was at least something I could handle. I walked over to a low hanging branch and gripped it with my left hand and without hesitating I pulled.

"Aghhhh!" I screamed at the pain that shot through me again. It was agonizing and came in many waves before simmering to a low aching sensation. I heaved for air, calming myself down. There was no time for waiting around for someone to find me. Athena was on a path of destruction and was willing to take everyone down with her if it meant getting to Patrick, or even worse, Alec.

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