[1] One Day, so much to Say

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"[Y/n], have you heard anything from Kris?" The sound of your mother's voice snapped you out of your concentration, finally ripping your eyes away from glowing computer screen.

"Sorry, I haven't!" Your hoarse voice struggle to make it's way downstairs; you had been sitting there for a few hours. You rub your eyes and try to reconnect with your physical surroundings.

"Oh dear," she muttered, "Well, they are certainly going to be in trouble when they returns." Just by tone you could tell exactly what face she was making right now. You chuckled to yourself, taking in it, knowing that you couldn't do so without a scolding when around her.

You quickly quiet down once you hear her footsteps coming up the stairs. Stretching, you turn to face the doorway, curious as to what she may have to say. Your eyes stung, and your joints ached. Spending hours on a computer for homework, with only 3 hours of sleep, it does things to a person. That's college for you.

With a tired smile, you greeted Toriel, yawning right afterwards. Toriel looks at your with an empathetic smile, remembering her days of no-sleep studying. Which, is exactly why she came in.  "Here, my child," her soothing voice alone was a lullaby to your drained form, "I know how hard you've been working, so I decided to make you something to help you relax."

With that, you noticed that within her massive paws, she held a plate with [f/f]. She gently places it on the desk, and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead. She truly was an amazing mother. You mumbled soft 'thanks' as she turned to leave. Before closing the door she looked back and nodded in return.

"Take care my sweet child."

You couldn't have been any happier in that moment, despite having just spent almost 14 hours straight trying to write a single essay. Even though it was only the 3 of you now, you couldn't have asked for a better family.

The 3 of you....3....

Then it hit you. Kris still wasn't home.

"[Y/n], [Y/n], [Y/n]! Get up! I need to tell you something!" You felt something wack the back of your head.

Having just about a mini heart attack, you jolted upwards. You had fallen asleep at your desk, not long after Toriel had come in. The plate was empty, and there was drool on the desk. Ew.

Bringing your attention back to who had just rudely awoken you, you saw Kris with one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen.

"Oh, you're back! Glad to see you're safe....Please don't wake me up like that..."

"Yeah yeah whatever, there's something I need to tell you!"

"Alright, calm down Krispy, what is it?"

They placed their hands on your shoulders, their hair parting just enough to see their right eye. Which was practically the galaxy itself with how many stars it had. Whatever they have to tell you, it has to be one hell of an announcement to get them to be this expressive.

"You'll never believe what happened today-"


Chapter 1 is now complete, now things can get going! I hope you enjoyed! If you have any criticisms, feel free to let me know!

But for now, have a good day/night everyone!


[[ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ'𝕊 𝔾ℝ𝔸𝕊ℙ]] 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕞𝕥𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now