[4] Angel, oh Angel

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The world felt like it was revolving. Your head wasn't feeling any better, and now your entire body ached from the electrocution.

Yet you noticed something, you were in an entirely new place. Same world, different part. Trash and junk littered the area, creating mountains upon mountains of discarded scraps. The walls were dirty and cracked with the occasional graffiti.

There seemed to be no one around at the moment. As much as you were on high alert, you took some time to recollect your thoughts and try to make sense of everything.

You began to mumble to yourself.

"I woke up here, Noelle was there, my head hurts, there was a queen apparently, something shocked me, my outfit's changed-"


You felt dumb for having not realized it before. Looking down at yourself you saw that you were wearing dark colored pants and boots. A cream colored sweater, and a completely oversized [f/c] faux fur coat that clung to your shoulders, acting as a cloak or cape of sorts.

Your head began to hurt even more from all the thinking you were doing. It just wouldn't stop ringing with pain, which felt familiar, oddly enough. In an attempt to soothe your aching skull, you reached your heads up to message your scalp. But you became terrified at your discovery.

You had somehow grown a pair of curved goat horns. You could tell just by how they were shaped that they had taken after Toriel. Your SOUL seemed to drop down to your stomach, setting your thoughts ablaze with panic.

"Wh- WHAT?! How can this be happening?! This is impossible!" You began to talk out loud without realizing it. This was indeed, biologically impossible. You were not only a) adopted, but also, b) a human. There should be no way in hell that you have horns, ones that seemed to resemble your mother's no less-

"Oh dear, are you [experiencing crippling headaches]? Still in [shocked and amazed] by it?"

You practically squealed at this. You snapped your head in the direction of the distorted voice. Making direct eye contact with a man(?) who appeared to barely even reach your waist. You were only making eye direct contact because you were still on the ground.

His black jacket seemed like it's been through a few things, his hair black and spiked back. His cheeks painted red, his smile unnaturally large, and pupil-less heterochromatic eyes. Not to mention his schnoz- His overall appeared told the story that he was a doll, a puppet. Also his legs were segmented like a puppets, so it was pretty much a dead giveaway.

He gave off a strange aura. It was incredibly strange, he felt off putting, but deeply familiar at the same time? His pink and yellow eyes(?) held no pupils, yet still seemed to being staring deep into your SOUL.

"Oh dear [ANGEL], oh dear sweet [ANGEL], is it all too much for you?"

He asked, with what appeared to be genuine sincerity and concern.

You had a lump in your throat, why did he call you angel? Was it a flirt, or did he just call everyone he met an angel? Wait who the hell is this guy?!

After an uncomfortable silence you thought it'd be best to say something.

"Who...Who are you?"

"Spam-" he looked like he was trying swallow down something disgusting, "Spamton G. Spamton! The [Number one rated salesman (c)1997]! Pleasure to meet you, lightner!"

Wait, lightner...

Where had you heard that term before. Your entire body cried out in desperation, trying to warn you that it wasn't important to dwell on.

[[ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ'𝕊 𝔾ℝ𝔸𝕊ℙ]] 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕞𝕥𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now