[6] One Puppet meets Another

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Another lovely piece of fanart made by MomosPeachhes ! Love your style!
Kris stepped out of the somehow undamaged car, the only noticeable discrepancy being the banana splattered all over the windshield and tires.

They turned their attention down the only visible walkway, the dark alley. They got a strange feeling as they grew closer with every step. Something was going to be in this alleyway, they just didn't know what.

They walked in, and rounded the corner, tensing at whatever may greet them. Kris stopped dead in their tracks. A sight they never expected, but desperately wished for.

There you were, head resting on a pillow as you sat against a dumpster. Even with the coat and the darkness of the alley, they knew it was you.

You looked so peaceful, so tranquil. Which seemed like the incorrect reaction to sleeping next to a dumpster.

They lightly walked over to you, gentle not to wake you. Kneeling down next to you, their hands were shaking. They reached out to you and-


Your entire body jolted, your SOUL almost bursting out of your ribcage. You frantically looked around, only to have your eyes land on a familiar face.

"KRIS!" You cheered, springing up from your spot and suddenly hugging them. You couldn't be happier to see them safe and sound. Also to see them at all.

Much to your surprise, the returned the hug. Gripping your coat and burying themself into you. They were scared, of what, you couldn't tell. But you made an effort to comfort them, rubbing circles on their back, just like how mother would.

"Kris...Kris it's okay, I'm here...Your big sibling is here..." your voice was quieted down to a hushed whisper. They sniffled, and kept themself in the hug. You'd be there for as long as they needed you.

After several seconds of staying in the hug, they finally let go. They wiped a tear from their cheek and smiled at you.

"I'm so happy to see you..." You began to tear up as well, letting a few slip without caring. Suddenly they grabbed your hand.

"C'mon, I found Noelle and the Queen's taking us to the mansion. We need to push the crosswalk first." They began to walk down the alley, leading you along. Yet they didn't get very far before-

"HEY EVERY! ITS ME! EVERYONE's [number one rated salesman(c)1997], SPAMTON G. SPAMTON!" Spamton laughed in his usual sporadic way. You had been so caught up with reuniting with Kris that you forgot about where Spamton went.

He was standing in the middle of the open dumpster.

"IF IT ISN'T A-" he jumps surprisingly high from the trash onto the alley floor, "LIG HTNER! AND [ANGEL], HEY HEY HEY!"

Immediately, you looked to Kris. You knew that they knew who 'Angel' was. You saw their expression turn from shock to anger. They were never fond people giving you pet names, seeing you as too good for any of them.

You lightly grabbed their shoulder and pulled them back, "Kris- I know what you're thinking- but please don't!"

Reluctantly, they calmed down, but that didn't stop them from glaring daggers at the puppet. Not like Spamton could tell, though.

Spamton seemed to be befuddled by the interaction between you and your sibling, but moved on anyway.

"Looks like you're [All alone on a late night?]"

"All your friends [abandoned you for the slime] you are?"

You've heard a lot of informercials come out of that man's mouth, but this was the only one that didn't make sense to you.

"Sales gone down the [drain] [drain]?"

"Living in damn garbage can?!"

He let out another bout of maniacal laughter before swing his arm to punch the dumpster. You flinched at this while Kris jumped into a defensive stance.

It hurt you to see him getting worked up like this again, the urge to just scoop him up and hug him being overwhelming.

He turns back, as if he didn't just lose his composure, "Well have I got a [special deal] for lonely [hearts] like you!"

Kris only became more tense, spreading their arms out in front of themself. One blocking you, and the other holding their rose quartz sword.
You wanted to tell them that he was harmless, yet before you could Spamton cut in again.

"If you've [lost control of your life], then you just gotta grab it by the [silly strings]!"

You snorted at the last part. Kris giving you a 'are you serious?' look, while Spamton could only giggle to himself.
He cleared his throat and continued his sales pitch.

"Why be the [little sponge] that hates its [$4.99] life," he began to shake a little.

"When you can be a-"

Oh no.

"Big shot!"

You frowned at this, upset that he was still wrapped up in this whole 'big shot' business.


Now even you got into a protective stance. He never got this erratic when you were around. You began to worry for his state of mind. Kris was only concerned with the potential of a threat.


His voice was more distorted than before, you swearing you could hear two different tone voices speaking at once. One erratic, the other desperate.

Luckily, he came back down from whatever high he was just on.

"That's right! Now's your chance to be [Big Shot]!"

"And I have just...the thing...you need...that's..." he had edged closer with every pause. Causing your paladin sibling to step back, angling their sword at the gremlin puppet. You on the other hand were absolutely to prepared to intercept an attack, no matter who was the one throwing it.

"[Hyperlink blocked]"

That was anticlimactic. But all the same, Spamton slid backwards cackling agian. Kris lowered their sword while you sighed in relief.

"You want it! You want [hyperlink blocked], don't you?"

"Spamton actually, we-"

"Well have I got a deal for you and [HEAVEN'S BLESSING]!"

Kris made note to ask you what this was all about later.

"All you have to do is show me your [HeartShapedObject]."

That very moment the air became thick with tension. Kris looked even worse than they did beforehand. You didn't know what this 'heart shaped object' was, yet whatever it was Kris didn't like the mention of it.

"You're a lightner, aren't you? You've got the [light]. Why don't you [show it off]?"

His eyes became static once more.

Room began to morph into a strange grid.

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