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~After iKiss~

Sam's pov

After I leaved the fire escape I went to my place

"Samantha,I have to go to the mall" My mom told me

"Why?" I asked

"I have to buy a new bikini.Byeeee"

I went to my room.I couldn't stop thinking about Freddie.Not gonna lie,but I kinda liked the kiss we shared.Wait,what did I just thought? I can't like the nub,right? He's a nerd. Yea,I know what are u saying
"Sam,if you love him,why you're always mean to him?"
Well,I'm mean to him cuz I want to get his attention.But I don't think is working,probably he even hates me.

Freddie's pov

Right now, I'm feeling the luckiest guy ever! Sam just kissed me! Wohoo! Sure,she hates me.Wait,she just kissed me! Maybe she don't hates me after all! Maybe she even likes me!

Yea,does pigs flyes now too?

Ugh,shut up brain.

Is my brain right? I mean,I have no proofs that she likes me.Maybe she really just kissed me "just to get it over with"

~Next day~

Carly's pov

Yesterday,I saw my two best friends kissing on the fire escape.I was confused,but happy for them.Yeah,I've always shipped them.But sadly they didn't get together,cuz they kissed "just to get it over with",But I'm pretty sure both liked the kiss and both have feelings for each other.So I decided to get them together.I heard Spencer talking with Socko downstairs,so after Socko leaved,I went downstairs.

I saw my brother with a excited look

"What's going on?" I asked

"You wanna know what is going on?" Spencer said smiling


"Well,Socko wanted to go with some friends to Los Angeles,but they couldn't go so he gave me the tickets!"

"So that means.."

"Yeah,tomorrow we're going to Los Angeles!!!!"

"That's great!" I said. But I wanted Sam and Freddie to come with us,so I could try to get them together

"Heeeyy,I know what are you thinking about."My brother said smiling at me

"You really do?"

"Yeah,and sure Sam and Freddie can come with us"

This is gonna be perfect!

So how was this first chapter?(yea I know its kinda short),but I hope you liked!
Btw I don't own iCarly.This is just a fanfiction.

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