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Sam's pov

Freddiecutie invited me for dinner tonight and I'm so excited.I want to impress him,so I bought a beautiful purple dress,some black heels and I brushed my hair.I feel all girly but I guess is worth it.I took a deep breath before knocking at Freddie's door

Freddie's pov

Here's my Princess. I opened the door,and omg she looks gorgeous .Probably I was staring at her cuz she giggled.

"Hey Freddiebaby!"

I planted one kiss on her soft lips

"Come in,Princess" I said smiling

"Ahem" my mom said

Sam's pov

huh? I didn't know Freddie's crazy mom was here!

"Mom,me and Sam are going to the bathroom to wash our hands" he said

"But I don't want to-


"Ugh fine" I said

"Sam listen" he said grabbing my hand "Now my mom knows that we are dating and she said that if are you gonna behave well during our dinner she will let us stay together.Otherwise,she'll make me break up with you even if I don't want to,so please,be polite,I'm begging you" he said with puppy eyes

Aww how can I say no to this cute nerd

"Fine I'll try to be polite" I replied

"Thank you! I love you Sammy!" He pecked my lips

"Alright,now let's go"

~time skip~

Marissa's pov

During the whole dinner I was staring at Sam.Or should I say,my son's girlfriend.But I have to admid they are cute together.And Sam was acting polite.Werid.Wasn't she a criminal?

~time skip~

Sam's pov

We finished eating and it was 8.30 pm but Freddie said that the dinner was ending at 9.00 pm.

"Freddie why did you told me that the dinner was ending at 9.00 pm?
It's 8.30 and we finished eating"

He just smirked

"Can't I go for a walk with my Princess?"

"Oh Sure you can" I replied

He holds out his hand,I took it and we went to the park.

We sat on a bench.

"Sooo..What do ya wanna do now?" I asked

He took out his phone and started playing "Stuck with u"

I smiled

"Now,Princess,May I have this dance?"

"Yes you may" I said

And we started dancing.It was like a fairytale.Our fairytale.Honestly I'm so happy that we are together.

"You're so beautiful Baby" he suddenly said

"And you're so sweet and cute" I replied

The color of his face went from its normal color to a light pink

"Can I tell you something?"

I just nodded

"This is all I wanted since I kiss you on the fire escape.I knew that something chanced but I didn't wanted to admit anything to myself.And now that we are together,I'm so happy"

His sweet speech made me tear up

"I love you Freddie! So much!"

"I love you too Baby"

We kissed again

So this was the 9th chappie.How was it? Anyway,for Halloween I'm gonna publish a new chapter and follow me on insta cuz I'll do an editing giveaway.Luv ya <333


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