𝐂𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

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Carly pov

I feel so bad for not letting Sam sit with me.But at least Freddie comforted her.We were still on the plane.I turned around and I saw them holding hands.Awww! I grabbed my phone and I snapped a picture of them.

Freddie's pov

Wow,I can't belive Carly didn't let Sam sit with her.Yea,I was happy that Sam was sitting with me,but I knew she didn't want to.But right now I'm holding her hand.Actually,I have been holding her hand for the past 2 hours.

Sam's pov

I'm still mad at Carly.But I have to admid that sitting with Freddie is not that bad as I thought.Sure,It was a bit awkward;but I liked when he hold my hand.With him I just feel safe...

"Spencer"Carly said


"Where are we gonna sleep tonight?"

"I-" Spencer started,but I cut him off

"Guys.My friend Cat lives here.We can sleep at her apartment"I said

"Sounds good to me" Freddie said,the others just nodded

"Ok then,I'll call her" I took my phone and I dialed Cat's number


"Hey Cat! So,me and my friends are here in La,but we have nowhere to sleep,so woul-"

"Oh,sure!You and your friends can sleep at my house!" Cat said happily

"Thank you!"

Cat's pov

My bestfriend Sammy is in La! Well,Sam and her friends;but I'm so happy to see her again! it's been 4 year-oh yay! I heard a knock at the door! Maybe its Sam and her friends- and yea they are!!
I opened the door and I hugged Sam

"Heyyy Sammy!I missed youu!!"

She hugs me back

" hey kid!I missed you too!"

"Hello"A girl with black hair said awkwardly

"Oh Cat.She is Carly,her brother Spencer and my friend Freddie" Sam said

""Hiii! So you are Sam's friends! Come in!" I said

"Btw thank you for letting us stay here" Spencer said

"Np! I'm so happy that you are visiting me! I feel so lonely without nona.I still visit her though"

~Time skip~

I was helping Carly to unpack.She told me to leave Sam and Freddie alone in the living room,and I was confused. Why should I leave them alone?

"Carly,can I go to watch the TV with Sam and Freddie?" I asked

"C'mon,help me to unpack"

Ah,now I was curious.What was going on?

"But why are Sam and Freddie alone?"

She groaned

"You promise me you won't tell 'em?"

"Yea! Now tell me!" I said

"Well,I saw them kissing;so now I'm trying to get them together" she whispered

"Can I help you?" I asked with puppy eyes


Sam's pov

I was sitting on the couch eating pop corn with Freddie while watching a movie together.I started thinking about all those times I hurt him,but he is still kind with me.I've been such a terrible person.

"I'm sorry" I said,starting to tear up.

"What happened Sammy?Why are you crying?" He asked sweetly,pulling me for a hug

I sobbed onto his shirt

"Shh.It's ok Princess-I mean...um..."

"No,It's ok.You can call me Princess" I said

Did he just called me Princess? Awwww!

𝐢𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now