𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮...𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫?

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Sam's pov

When Freddie asked me to hang out I was shocked.Agh,what am I thinking? He probably asked me to hang out together just as friends.Anyway,we went for a walk to the park.Non of us was talking.

"Sooo,do you wanna buy an ice cream?" he break the silence

"Umm sure,if you want to.." I said shyly.Wait.I'm Sam Puckett.Why do I get shy when I'm with Freddie?

He bought me an ice cream

After like 5 minutes we finished our ice creams and he started looking at me smiling

"What?" I asked,smiling too

"Nothing,it's just...you have a bit of ice cream on your face"

"Where?" I asked embarrassed

"Right here"

He grabbed a tissue and wiped the ice cream,which was near my lips

I blushed dark red,then he started looking at my lips (which made me blush harder) while he was still wiping them.

Then I started staring at his lips
How I want to kiss him right now! His lips just looks so soft and warm...

       (Yea ik that was cheesy)

1 week later

Its been a week since Freddie asked to hang out.Since then,we have been at the park every evening.

Freddie's pov

Me and Sam have been hanging out together for a week.Nope,I still haven't confessed my feelings to her.But I enjoy our walks together.One time,we bought 2 ice creams
and the ice cream maker thought that we were dating


"Ok,so we want 2 ice creams." I said

"Sure lovebirds" the ice cream maker said

Of course me and Sam blushed.Like a lot.

"Umm..we are not dating" Sam said embarrassed

"Sureee,whatever you sayyy" he said,not believing us

He gave us the ice creams and winked at me before we started eating the ice creams

End flashback

Anyway,me and Sam were about to leave again,when Spencer stopped me.

"Dude,what is it" I asked

"I have to tell you something" he said

I don't know If I should be happy or if I should be worried

"Sure go ahead" I said


He grabbed my hand,pulling me back inside Cat's apartment

"Sam,can you just want here? I have to tell Freddie something"he asked

"Sure,but why can't I-"

He cut her off by closing the door,leaving her outside

"Dude,what is going on?"

"Listen.I noticed that you and Sam have been hanging out together lately.." he started


"So I have a question for you..."


"Do you..ya know...like her?" He asked

Maybe Spencer isn't good at cooking and probably many other things but since he has had lots of girlfriends maybe he is expert in romance.So I decided to be honest with him.

I took a deep breath

"Yes,I do" I said blushing

Sam's pov

When Spencer closed the door I put one hear on it,to listen their conversation.I mean,why would Spencer tell Freddie something without me hearing it?

"Listen.I noticed that you and Sam have been hanging out together lately..."

Omg Spencer is making me nervous


"So I have a question for you"


"Do you...ya know...like her?"

I closed tightly my eyes,crossing my fingers

Freddie tooks a deep breath

"Yes,I do" he said

Omfg.Is he being serious?! I can't belive this is really happening!! He really likes me!!

So this chapter was pretty long (I hope you noticed that)
Another chapter coming this week,so stay tuned!

Love you,byeee

𝐢𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now