𝐢𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐚

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Sam's pov

Me and Cat were having lunch at Bots.Cat suggested to have lunch there so maybe I could forget about Carly and Freddie coming here. Obviously it didn't worked.

"AH!" Cat suddently yelled

"What??" I said

"They're b-behind you"

Freddie's pov

I saw Cat eating with a blonde girl.I wonder who is s-NO WAY IS THAT SAM?! S-she looks even beautiful than the last time I saw her.I guess I was staring,because Carly slapped me

"You still like her,don't you?" She said smirking


"Yess you dooo" she said playfully

"Ok fine" I admitted

"Well then let's go"

Sam's pov

I saw Freddie.And Carly.But Freddie has been worked out a lot since the last time I saw him.He looks handsome.But that doesn't mean I'm not mad at him

"Hello" Carly said happily,looking at Cat and then at me

"Carls! Freddie! You're here!" Cat said exited

"Hi Sam" Freddie said

"Yea whatever" I replied.

Cat glared at me

"Anyway,let's go home!!" She said

After we payed we started walking to our apartament

Anyway,I was scrolling through instagram when I felt Freddie taking my hand

"Dude!" I exclaimed

He slipped a paper into my hand

"Read it later" he whispered into my ear

"Go away" I demanded annoyed

"Ok" he whispered again

"Listen.Would you please stop? Why are you even holding my hand? Shouldn't you be with Carly? Go with her and leave me alone"

He let go of my hand and walked away.Wait,I didn't expect that to happen.And now he's hurt.I just know it.WHY DID I TOLD HIM TO GO AWAY?! HE WAS FLIRTING WITH ME AND I TOLD HIM  TO STOP?! WTF IS WRONG WITH ME?

Maybe I should forgive him.After all,I can't be mad at him forever.I didn't even noticied that we reached Cat's apartment

Everybody was taking a seat to the kitchen table,ready to eat

"Sam,where are you going?" Cat asked

"I'm not hungry.I just ate" I answered,going to my room

That's right.For once,I wasn't hungry.I was just too curious about the paper that Freddie gave me.I grabbed it and I started reading it

A/n: I'll just skip this part cuz I'm way to lazy to write the whole letter again

I broke down crying on my bed.It's just everything that has happened in the past years.Me and Freddie dating.The Halloween prom.Carly and Freddie making out.I just couldn't take it anymore

A/n Ok,first of all,Mery Christmas!! And second this is the second-last chap of this story!!

𝐢𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now