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Freddie's pov

I started reading

Dear diary,

Ok,I have a problem.Me and The nub kissed.It was supposed to be a kiss "just to get it over with".But I kinda liked the kiss.And Freddie is also kinda cute so I can't stop thinking about the kiss and him.Maybe I like him,but I won't tell him how I really feel about him.Cuz he probably hates me and anyway I'm sure that he doesn't like me back


My heart skipped a beat.My cheeks were burning.But she wrote this more than a month ago.Maybe she doesn't like me anymore

I decided to read the last page of the diary and it was written 2 days ago

Dear diary,

I know It's been a month but I just can't move on.It's been a month since me and Freddie kissed.Now me,Carly,her brother and Freddie are at Cat's apartment,in La.I don't know why,but a few days ago Freddie asked me to go for a walk together in the park.I was kinda shocked,but ofc I accepted.Since then,every evening before dinner we go for a walk.He is so sweet with me,he even bought me a beautiful bracelet.I think I love him



Sam's pov

I was sitting on a bench in the park,stargazing.I don't know If Freddie readed on my diary that I love him.But maybe he readed and he doesn't feel the same way about me


I turned around and I saw him

"Gosh,you scared me" I said.

"Sorry.It wasn't my intention" he apologized

He sat on the bench near me,wrapping one arm around my waist.

"Look how beautiful the stars are" I said,trying to break the awkward silence between us

"Yea,but I know someone who's more beautiful than the stars"

I blushed


He looked at my eyes,then at my lips

He leaned in and whispered against my lips

"It's you,Sammy"

Then he closed the gap between our lips,kissing me passionately.He puts his hands on my cheeks,making me blush even more

After like 6 seconds we pulled away

"I really like you" he said smiling

I started tearing up.I just hope that this isn't a dream

"I like you too"

Freddie's pov

Finally she is MY Princess.I can finally call her mine.

I hugged her



"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked shyly


I smiled and kissed her again.

And yep,they finally got together!!!!

Anyway,another chapter coming this week!!!!

Love youuu,byeeee


𝐢𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now