𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤?!

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Freddie's pov

It's been 2 months since me and Sam decided to be just friends.I don't know why,but I feel like this is wrong.But I have to stop thinking about her,cuz she probably moved on.Agh,what am I saying,I can't get over her.I hate myself for letting Valerie kiss me,maybe if none of this happened,me and Sam would be still together.Anyway,we were shooting iCarly,well I was just holding the camera,staring at Sam,at her beautiful smile,her long blonde hair...


I snapped out of my thoughts.


"We have to finish the show" Carly said

"Yea right"

~after the show~

Carly's pov

I saw Freddie staring at Sam!! I swear!! He still likes her.I just know it.So,we were going downstairs when I stopped him

"Um Freddie.Can we talk?"

He nodded

Sam's pov

Carly and Freddie.Alone.In a room.What is going on? And no,I'm not jealous and I don't like that nub anymore

                   "Then why are thinking about himmm?"


    "Not gonna happennn,just admit that you miss himmmm"

Ok,fine.I miss him.

Carly's pov

Me and Freddie went back to the iCarly studio

"Sooo what do ya want to talk about?"

"Oh,you know..."

I started to look at his lips.Wait,what am I doing?! I can't kiss him!! Sam told me that he still loves him!!

He noticied that I was staring at his lips and started looking at mine.Before we knew it,we leaned in and kissed

Sam's pov

Why are they taking so long? It's been 15 minutes!! Well I decided to go check if everything's ok.I went upstairs,and I was about to open the door but I saw something that broke my heart.Carly and Freddie making out.

~skip time~

I was in my room,sobbing my heart out.

"What did I ever do to deserve this" I kept whispering

After a few minutes I decided to stop crying.I thought Freddie still loved me.But I was wrong.Thet's why I wasn't mad at him,I was mad at Carly.I told her I was still into him,and she didn't cared.But now it doesn't matter.I came up with a plan

I dialeded Cat's number

"Hey Sammy!!I miss you!! How's life?"

You can say Cat isn't that clever but she's a good friend.And that's what I need.

"Hey Cat?? Can I ask you something?" I asked

"Sure,what is it?"

"I wanted to ask you If I could stay at your house for some days since-"

"Oh,I'd love to! When are you coming??" She asked

"Uhhh I dunno.But I'm gonna pack first"

"Oh alright!! Se ya later Sammy!!"

"Se yaaa"

I started packing.I think I'm gonna stay at Cat's for some days since I missed her.I just don't want to see Carly and Freddie.But I didn't wanted to leave without saying goodbye,so I grabbed a pen and I started writing

Hey guys,

It's me Sam.Just wanted to say that I will stay at Cat's for some days.Btw,I saw you two kissing.I'm kinda sad cuz I was still in love with you Freddie and kinda mad cuz I told you Carls that I was still into him,but you kissed him anyway.But I'm happy for you guys


𝐢𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now