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Watch the video to the top for some Seddie edits🥺🥺

Freddie's pov

It took me enough to convince my mum to go to Los Angeles with Carly,my beautiful Sammy and Spencer.


"What if the plane crash?"

"Mom, please.I swear It won't happen.Plus,Im with Spencer" I said, trying to convince her

"Ugh,Spencer is irresponsible"My mom said, rolling here eyes

"Then how is Carly is still alive? C'mon mom.I want to go with them!"


"thank uu"

~End Flashback~

I picked some cool clothes so I could impress my blonde headed demon.Yea,I'm not even gonna deny it.I like her.

~Skip time~

Sam's pov

We were going to the airport with Spencer's car.Carly was sitting with him and me and Freddie were sitting behind them.
I was just staring at the window,when I felt Freddie grabbing my hand.I looked at him,and he just smiled. Of course I blushed. Then he intertwined our fingers together.I blushed harder.Wait,what was he doing this.He likes me back?

Freddie's pov

Its like all of sudden,courage hit me.So I grab Sam's hand and I intertwined our fingers.I felt butterflies in my stomach.I looked at her,and SHE IS BLUSHING! I got lost in her blue,deeps eyes.

"Ahem.Guys.We are at the airport" Carly said

Thank you Carly for ruining our moment!


~Skip time~

Carly's pov

I swear I saw with the corner of my eye Sam and Freddie holding hands and getting lost into each other's eyes in Spencer's car.Oh,who am I kidding!? Of course It was one of my planes.And of course I took lots of pictures.Anyway,I have another plan.It will be fun!

~Skip time~ (sorry for all these skip times😅)

Once we got on the plane,I dragged Spencer over 2 seats

"Whoa,Carls,what are you doing?" He asked confused

"Just shut up and sit with me."

"Alright,calm down"

A few seconds later Sam and Freddie came with all the suitcases.I looked at Sam, cuz I knew that she wanted to sit with me.And she looked at me with a pout.

Freddie's pov

I saw Carly and Spencer sitting together.Wait,I thought her and Sam wanted to sit together?Ah,never mind.That's even better,so I could sit with Sam.Once we sat,she started staring at the window.Was she nervous?Well,I decided to comfort her.I grab her chin,making her look at me.She had tears in her beautiful eyes.My poor princess.

"Are you nervous?"I whispered to her.She just nodded.

"Don't worry,you'll be fine." I said

She just smiled.And I blushed Honestly I don't know how I'm gonna resist without kissing her.Yea I know that sounds super cheesy.But I can't help It.She just look breath-taking.Seriously,the only thing I want to do rn is grab her face and crash my lips onto hers.I want to confess my feelings for her.But I can't.Or at least I can't right now.

So,how was this chapter? Lmk in the comments below.Anywayy I know the last part of this chapter It was pretty cheesy.Well,bye for now :))

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