𝐢'𝐦 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬

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Sam's pov

After I wrote the letter I called a taxi which drived me to the airport.I knew I was running away but I couldn't stand Carly kissing the boy I love,I just can't.Plus,I don't think they'll miss me.I decided to post on instagram

I decided to post on instagram

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~skip time~

I was to Los Angeles,waiting for Cat to pick me up and bring me to her apartment.Oh,there she is!

She runned towards me,before hugging me tight

"Sammyyy!!! I missed you!!!"

"I missed you too Kitty!!" I hugged her back

She drived us home

"Soooo" she said playfully

"Yes?" I asked

"You and Freddie are still together?"

My eyes started getting teary,but I didn't showed it

"Umm No" I said,trying to sound nonchalant

"Oh..what happened?" She asked

"Well...It's a long story"

"Oh,then I better sit on the couch so you can tell me everything" she smiled,sitting on the couch

"So after we got back to Seattle me and Freddie went on the Halloween prom" I started "but then I saw him and another girl kissing.He told me he wasn't his fault,since the girl kissed him.So I forgave him,but we decided to be just friends"

She nodded

"After 2 months I wanted to get back together with him since I was still in love with him"


I didn't even noticied that there were a few tears rolling down on my cheeck

"Then I saw him and Carly kissing-"

She pulled me into a hug

"But did you told Carly that you were still into him?" She asked,rubbing my back

"I-I did that's w-why I'm so m-mad at her" I said between sobs

"Don't cry,everything will be alright"

Maybe she was right.But I knew that I wouldn't and I couldn't ever forget about Freddie.And Carly

Ok so this was kinda short.Plus,I'm sorry if I haven't updated this for a while,but I was busy with school :( .Anyway I hope you liked it 🥰


𝐢𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~ 𝐒𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞Where stories live. Discover now