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The Whitehouse, 20XX

Rick and Morty were visiting to play Minecraft with Obama and the Penguins of Madagascar. But upon arrival...

"Where the hell did Obama go?" Rick wondered, pulling out his multiverse ray gun (authors note I don't actually watch Rick and morty because my mom won't let me so just go with it okay).

"Ah geez Rick, I don't know ah geez ah geez." Morty replied anxiously.

"Wait. Wait. I'm getting a signal." Rick said, as his portal gun flashed the coordinates of Obama's current location. "Alright Morty we gotta go back in time Morty okay." Rick told his partner, as he shot a green bolt of energy onto the wall, creating a portal that would lead them directly to Obama's location. "Well, you know what they say. The best place to find what you need is to create a portal that will send you to its location." Rick said philosophically, as the duo stepped through the portal.

DisneyLand 3XXX


Nothing, but a barren desert, stretching as far as the eye could see. No signs of life, no change in geography, nothing but an endless expanse of hard rock. In this decrepit wasteland, lie a single, dilapidated house. And inside this house, lie the remnants of a long forgotten dream.

His name, of course, was Donald Duck.

He stood upon the ashes of the land of dreams, in remembrance of all those who had fallen before him. He should have died along with the rest of those dreams, but miraculously he alone had survived that day. That terrible day...

Now, he was the one who was tasked with carrying that burden. The burden of the dreams of a dying world. All that sustained him now, was his own desperation for survival. But even that was fading, as was everything in this wasteland of nightmares.

He was left to wonder of his own fate, of his own purpose in this twisted world. Why had he alone survived? No, more than that, why had he chosen to continue living? He knew not of these answers, but his own questions in his own mind, were all that remained of the world. But now, It was time for rest once more, and the return to a forgotten time of glorious freedom. Even if that time would only exist in a dream...

Steelcolds Quartheaders 19XX

Megatron's cannon flashed bright red, as he prepared to level the entire complex. When suddenly, a green multiversal portal materialized on the wall. Out of the portal stepped Rick, who quickly fired another bolt of green energy, right on the spot where Megatron planned to fire. Megatron's cannon flashed a brilliantly blinding red, as a massive bolt of energy discharged directly through the newly made portal at his feet. Megatron slowly turned to look at Rick, steam pouring from his body after expending so much energy. If looks could kill, Megatron would have atomized everyone within a 100 mile radius.

"Ah geez rick thats fucking megatron ah geez i cant believe it" Morty stuttered anxiously, as the titanic machine swiveled to face the new arrivals.

"Morty it's fine, he just used all his energy he's literally done. It's like the old saying, don't blow your load too fast or you'll run out of load to blow." Rick replied wisely.

"I-I-I..." Megatron stuttered, his anger now so great that it began to overpower his programming. His body went haywire, steam pouring from every mechanical crevice, as his body spasmed in rage. Then suddenly, he went extremely still. "Ah... I have been overthinking things." He rasped softly. His body trembled with stress, as he dispensed every single weapon in his arsenal simultaneously.
At the same time, he pulled out his energon sword, it's blood red plasma shimmering menacingly. "All these tricks, plans, secret weapons... they have just been holding me back." He continued, his body bristling with weapons in every orifice of his framework. Before the hero's eyes, Megatron transformed himself into a titanic hulking ball of death. "I just needed to do what I've always done." His voice bellowed. "Annihilate all that stands before me." And as if on cue, thousands of portals seemed to materialize in the office out of thin air.

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