Worlds Collide

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Bikini Bottom, 2XXX

GangsterBob walked through the slums of Coral City, towards Gangtons hideout, the Cumbucket. After a long and arduous fifteen minute walk, he finally arrived at the dreaded restaurant. Even though Gangton was dead, GangsterBob couldn't shake the feeling that something was definitely wrong...

Stowing those thoughts for later, GangsterBob kicked down the door of the Cumbucket, causing it to explode into smithereens. Gangsters paradise plays in the background, people clapped, I was there. Gangsterbob walked into the now empty restaurant, surveying the place with cold, calculating eyes. In the corner, he spotted Gangtons hanging body, which was strange because he had shot himself. Gangsterbob ignored the body, and instead focused on the strange machine taking up most of the room. It was a glowing green portal, surrounded by a glass barrier. I guess this is the secret weapon he was talking about... Gangsterbob thought to himself, as he observed the strange object. Suddenly, a holographic projection of Gangton appeared in front of the portal.

"Gangton! Is that you?" Gangsterbob asked, stumbling backwards in surprise.

"This building will explode in 5 seconds!" Gangton said evilly, grinning like a fucking demonic psychopath. Gangsterbob began to run towards the exit, before hearing Gangtons voice behind him again.

"Just kidding lmao get pranked, this is a voicemail." Gangton continued, Gangsterbob sighing in relief at the narrowly avoided crisis.

"If you're seeing this, it means I'm gone shopping." Gangton said seriously, before clearing his throat. DO NOT TOUCH THE GLASS!" He screamed. Gangsterbob jumped up in surprise. "Okay thanks bye." And with that, Gangton disappeared.

So naturally, Gangsterbob immediately broke the glass. He observed the strange floating portal with interest, thinking about how it kind of looked like the funny weed. Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him, and he stepped to the vortex, getting ready to enter it. The portal shimmered, pulling him in like a miniature whirlpool, as Gangsterbob was pulled from his reality and shot directly into the murky water of the time space continuum.

We now return to the past...

Coldsteels Office, 19XX
Everyone in the room looked on in shock, as portals appeared from every corner of the office. Different characters from different realities appeared from all places. Some even arrived from the portals Rick had made himself. It was a conglomeration of universes, contained within a single room.

"What the fu-" Megatron started, but he was drowned out by all of the other characters speaking out, all overpowering eachother s voices in the confusion.

"K ROOL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" Cranky screamed in exasperation.

"DONT LOOK AT ME I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" K Rool yelled back, as Kongs and Kremlins surveyed the room in confusion.

"ESCARGOON WHERE THE HELL DID WE GO!" Dedede screamed at his shelled companion.

"SIRE STOP SCREAMING MY HEAD HURTS!" Escargoon replied, as Kirby simply looked at the room with childish curiosity.

More voices joined the discordant chorus of shock, as the office quickly filled with cacophonous cries of confusion. Despite everyone talking, no one could pick up a word being said in the confusion. Even the previously passed out transformers had begun to stir, and Megatron quickly realized that his plan had been completely screwed. Just fighting the opponents he already had was risky, but these new arrivals made combat nearly impossible. Megatron was no fool, and realized that the only course of action now was to escape and regroup while he still could. Hurriedly grabbing the map of ancient artifacts, he blipped out of space and time, leaving his opponents scattered and confused.

"HEY- MEGATRON GOT AWAY!" Peabody yelled, but his voice couldn't be heard over the chaos. Shit, it's no use! No one can make themselves heard over this ruck-

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Skipper screamed into a megaphone, finally carrying his voice over the crowd. Instantly, all eyes were drawn towards him. "OKAY, ONE AT A TIME, EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY YOU ARE HERE!" He belted into the megaphone. Miraculously, everyone seemed to comply, and quickly traded their own stories about how they had gotten to this point.

"Well... now what?" Donkey Kong asked. Skipper shrugged in response.

"Well, I'm on my way to find these ancient treasures!" K Rool said, exiting the office with the other two Kremlins.

"I'm with him! Come on Escahgoon!" Dedede beckoned to his right hand man, and they left the office as well.

"Uhhh, is anyone gonna stop them?" Kermit asked.

"I mean they didn't have maps, I think we're fine." Obama replied. "But maybe those two have the right idea. It would be in our best interests to find these artifacts before Megatron does." Many of those present nodded in agreement. "First, we need to find a map." He continued, and so the newly formed team of heroes began searching the premises for any sign of a second map.

It was at this moment that Coldsteel chose to return from the bathroom. Opening the door, he looked around his office and quickly realized that taking a piss in the middle of a fight was probably not the best course of action he could have taken.

"Well," Rick started, "I think we just found our map."

Coldsteel looked around slowly. He took a deep breath.

"Yo guys time out."

Needless to say, he was thrown out of his own office, left to die in the streets of SonicVille.

The rest of the group quickly found that he had copied the map in case of the original being damaged, and so they decided to split into groups, in order to gather the artifacts in as an efficient way as possible. The risk of being overwhelmed was unlikely as well, as Coldsteel had already been defeated, and Megatron was only one robot. So the groups were set.

Skipper and Optimus Prime
Private and Rico
Kawaski and Obama
Peabody and Rick Sanchez
Donald Duck and Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong, Bluster Kong, and Cranky Kong
Funky Kong and Kirby
Kermit, Gangsterbob, and Bubsy the Bobcat

These groups would shortly leave, embarking on the greatest quest in the history of the multiverse. A quest that would lead them to the ends of the universe and back!

End of Prologue

(Authors Note: congrats you made it here, but this was just the prologue and now the real story begins. Trust me it will only be epicer and swaggier from here gamers, let's go)

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