Shards Piece Together

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Kongo Bongo, 2XXX

Deep in the jungles of an ancient island, mammal and reptile struggle day and night for supremacy. The conniving King K Rool, leader of the terrible army of Kremlins, and Donkey Kong, fierce protector of his precious potassium. But, today was no ordinary day, quite the opposite. The events that would soon occur would shake the foundations of this ancient rivalry to its core.
"Finally, it's finished!" K Rool shouted gleefully, inspecting his newly built machine within the confines of his evil lair. "That fool Donkey Kong will never be able to stand up to me now!"

"Well, what does it do?" asked Klump, K Rool's right hand man.

"Oh, I honestly have no idea. I just threw shit together until it started to look smart." K Rool replied. "But it looks dangerous and that's all I need for my plan. Now Klump, get Krusha and prepare to sail to DK Island. Today, luck will finally be on our side!" He exclaimed excitedly, as he took his machine and prepared to execute his most dastardly plan yet.

Popstar, 2XXX

Kirby, the pink puffball hero of Popstar, sits under the noon sky, dozing away as usual. But just as he began to fully fall asleep, an enormous rumbling within the ground shocked him awake. Confused, the star warrior gazed with bleary eyes upon a newly formed crater, right next to castle Dedede. A reddish smoke poured out from the crater, billowing in the air surrounding the castle. Of course, the curious young puffball could never resist such an enticing sight. So Kirby set off in the direction of the crater, readying himself for another adventure.

Kastle of M, 2XXX

In the clouds above Hollywood, floats a luxurious golden castle. A castle that was home to the illustrious Kermit D Frog. Having led a relatively virtuous and successful life, he had chosen to spend the last embers of his life living in paradise. His very own, private paradise. But, fate would not so easily grant him happiness. For as he lounged about in the glistening estate of his flying fortress, he was suddenly overcome with an insurmountable fear. Fear, that, for Kermit, could only be explained by one man. A man that Kermit unfortunately knew very well. He quickly leapt into action, racing toward the source of his uneasy feelings. But he had a feeling that it would not be as simple as merely finding the man's location...

Bikini Bottom, 2XXX

In the rundown waters of Bikini Bottom, lies the greatest gang leader to grace the seven seas. His name is Gangsterbob, and he's on the hunt for his next big break. As usual, he hung out in the Salty Spitoon, the ideal place to wait for big names to appear. But what he was about to encounter was something bigger than he could have ever imagined. A giant robot burst through the door, rushing towards Gangsterbob.

"Yo what the fuck!?" Gangsterbob yelled in confusion, as the robot cocked back his fist. Unfortunately for the robot, Gangsterbob was the strongest martial artist in the seven seas. He easily parried the punch, and struck back with one of his own, blowing the robot up as Gangsterbob turned around and walked away with the explosion in the background. Everyone clapped, Obama was there. Gangsters Paradise played softly in the background. World Peace was restored. But then, appearing from the ashes of the metallic menace, was none other than Gangsterbobs greatest adversary. Gangton.

"Impressive as usual, Gangsterbob." He said suavely, "But you are too late to defeat me. That robot was just a distraction for my real evil plan! Now that my ultimate machine is complete, even you will be no match for me!"

"Who?" GangsterBob replied.

"Who?" Gangton repeated in confusion.

"Asked." GangsterBob finished. An air horn went off, sunglasses and weed appeared on his face, the area tinted green and the text "epic dank MLG" appeared.

Gangton shot himself in the head, dying instantly of depression because he got roasted so hard. Everyone cheered, it was very cool.

Now, how about I find that 'ultimate machine' he was talking about. GangsterBob thought, as he left the spittoon. Heh, it looks like my next big break found me all on its own. He mused. Putting those thoughts aside, he leapt on his underwater motorcycle, and sped off into the night. It seemed like things were only just starting to get interesting, in the Bikini Bottom.

Bubsy The Bobcats House, 2XXX

"Hey it's me, everyone's favorite orange marsupial. Bubsy!" Bubsy said to no one in particular. "I bet you're all wondering what I'm up too on this particularly wonderful day, right?" He asked, again, to seemingly thin air. "Well, wonder no longer friends! Where there's adventure, there's me, me, ME!" He shouted excitedly. "And I can sense an adventure just around the corner..." he continued, pacing within the confines of his home. "All I need, is a way to go from here," he pointed at the floor, "to uhhh, let's say... 19XX?" He giggled manically. "But worry not friends, for Bubsy is always always ALWAYS! Prepared for strange and wacky misadventures. Which is why I have a time machine, exactly for this moment." He explained excitedly. Where there had been nothing but blank room behind him, there now sat a time machine, seemingly having appeared completely out of thin air. "But enough talk for now friends! It's time to make the world an objectively worse place!" And so the orange fur ball leapt into the time machine, and sailed into the past.

Minecraft, ????

Steve witnessed, as the world that he had come to know and love, turned into a waking nightmare. He knew not of what unfortunate circumstance had caused this great travesty. What he did know, was that the land around him was collapsing, into a fiery hell that shook the roots of his very existence. Trees turned to ash, grass to dust, and earth to magma. It was as if Satan himself had clawed his way to the surface of the once tranquil land, visiting upon it his full, unstoppable rage. Steve knew that he was going to die, likely in only a few more moments. He had no way of coming to terms with his sudden fate, the shock had been too much for his mind to comprehend. He simply stood, as the universe collapsed around him, and everything that he knew ceased to exist. He witnessed, with his final breath, the rise of a single figure. The figure that had brought about the end of an age, and the beginning of the end. It was the being known only, as █████████.

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