Temple Trouble

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The two continued their trek through the jungle foliage of N Sanity Island, heading towards the source of energy permeating from the artifact, it's potency so intense that it stretched throughout the entire island. Eventually they came upon the location of the artifact, nestled deep within the island. It was a ruined temple, having been cracked and worn from the passage of time.

"Judging by the radar, it should be in the very center." Kawaski said, pointing towards the only section of the temple left unsullied by the growth of the jungle. Cracked shards of stories from times long past lie scattered on the soil of the earth. If humans had inhabited this land before, they certainly seemed to be long gone now. How shameful Obama thought, as his eyes scanned the broken fragments littering the ground. That human civilization could be reduced to such a state... it's no wonder this island is teeming with pests. He scoffed in disgust at the remains of the dead culture, before focusing his efforts back onto the task at hand. After all, if he wasn't careful, the United States would be put in the same position.

"Stay on your guard, Kawaski." Obama told the penguin in a low voice. "There's sure to be some measures of security to stop trespassing."

Kawaski nodded in agreement, but his scanner was detecting no life signatures in the immediate vicinity. Still, he couldn't rule out the possibility of man made obstacles, even in this island filled with wildlife, so the two continued to move cautiously towards the center of the temple. The structure itself was made of brown bricks, of a particularly cube like shape. Surprisingly, it seemed to be entirely untouched by the wildlife, the polished brown bricks glistening in the sunlight. When they entered, the two saw a levitating mask in the center of the room, shaking with panic.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!" It repeated in anguish, completely oblivious to the two trespassers standing behind him.

Obama quickly pulled Kawaski back outside before the mask could notice them, and the two exchanged looks of surprise.

"I thought you hadn't sensed any life signatures in the area?" Obama whispered, staring at Kawaski in confusion.

"I was under that impression as well..." Kawaski replied, as he quickly scanned the surrounding area once more. "Still nothing. Whatever it is, it completely defies the logic of the energy scanner." Kawaski continued, as he looked down at the object in frustration.

"I guess it must be some form of unknown ancient technology." Obama reasoned fingering the holster of his gun. "But it doesn't look too hostile at the moment." He continued, standing up and heading back towards the interior of the temple.

The mask was still blubbering to himself, when he heard the duo approaching him from behind. He flipped around, his face hopeful, but he quickly realized that the two before him were not who he was looking for.

"What are you?" Obama asked coolly, as he carefully inspected the mask, hand still secured on his holster.

"Oh, hello." The mask replied sadly, it's yellow glowing eyes fading in brightness and color as they angled downward in depression. "I am Aku-Aku, the spirit guardian of this island." He introduced himself, before shaking his head dejectedly. "Though, I suppose I'm not much of a guardian anymore. I've made a terrible mistake." He continued joylessly.

"Right." Obama said without a hint of emotion. "Where is the artifact now?"

Aku looked up at him in surprise. "How did you-"

"We don't have time to spare. Where is it now?" Obama cut him off sternly.

"It's through there." He replied shakily, gesturing toward a portal of blue energy behind him.

"We appreciate your cooperation." Obama strode briskly toward the portal, Kawaski waddling closely behind.

"Wait!" Aku flew in front of Obama's face, his eyes bright and renewed with determination. "If  you obtain the artifact, you have to bring it back here!" Aku begged the duo. "It is this islands source of life! Without it, this place would wilt away and perish!" He continued, his voice fraught with desperation.

"Don't panic." Obama replied smoothly. "We'll bring the artifact to where it belongs, you won't have to lift a finger." He continued.

"That was a really poor choice of words, but I thank you deeply nonetheless." Aku replied gratefully, his voice finally returning to its normal octave.

"You don't need to thank us. We just happened to cross paths at an opportune time." Obama brushed past the mask, and turned to his partner. "Well?"

"The energy exuding from the portal matches that of the artifact." Kawaski confirmed. "I'm unable to assess what lies on the other side, but I don't sense any danger judging by the energy readings." He continued. Despite his words, his voice still shook slightly, after having been so caught off guard by Aku Aku. Subconsciously, he decided his next course of action would be to adjust the life scanner appropriately.

"Oh, one more thing." Aku said as they were leaving. "Did you happen to see an orange bandicoot on your way here? Usually he would be the one protecting the island, but for some reason I can't seem to get ahold of him." He explained, the worry evident on his face. Kawaski opened his mouth to reply, but it was covered by Obama.

"We saw no such animal." He responded. "But you should keep a close eye on him in the future. Wouldn't want to have any accidents."

"Yes, I guess you're right..." Aku Aku replied. "Well, I will stall you no longer. May luck be with you travelers." He said decisively, before darting out of the temple and into the jungle. Obama turned to leave, but he was stopped yet again, this time by Kawaski.

"Why didn't you tell him?" He asked.

"Ive said already, I don't plan on spilling any more blood than I have to." He replied without turning around. Kawaski said nothing. Finally without interruption, Obama stepped through the portal into another dimension, with Kawaski following behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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