chapter 4

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“George! Geoooooooorge! Wake up!” George jolted his head up and blinked blearily, waking up far too fast. Why was he awake again? “George! you said you'd help me build my mob farm!” George groaned and shoved his face back into the pillow calling him back to sleep, “go away Sapnap I'm sleepin…'' George mumbled into his pillow, closing his eyes again.

Sapnap sighed in exasperation, staring at the door. “Not again….” every time George promised to help him with something he was always sleeping, and it was near impossible to get him up. Sapnap looked behind him, making sure his horse was tied to the fence at the front of George's property. It was a nice house he had, built in a field a short distance from the community house. He thought the house looked more like a hobbit house than anything else but George was apparently going for a mushroom look. The property was small, fenced in by a line of trees and dark wood fence. The walkway up to the house walked over a small pond under a bridge before coming to the door, and the house itself was framed by mushroom blocks. It was more circular in shape then your average house, resembling a hobbit house with the low to the ground style.

Sapnap came here often to hang out with George, or just laze around his house. Most of the time he came here when he was bored, or just to annoy the other man, but today he had an actual reason for showing up. The other day George had promised to help him build a mob farm before sunset but he never showed up, not even answering the door when Sapnap knocked. Which was not completely unusual, George often went off to explore the lands, but it was nearing late morning now and he was bored.

Sapnap shook his head at George's horrible sleeping schedule, something he was sure would never change. Either way he knew his friend wouldn't have a problem with him hanging out for a bit. With that thought in mind Sapnap opened the door and walked inside, softly closing the door behind him.

Upon entering, he noticed the oddly placed chests in front of the door, recognizing them as the mule chests. “Ohhh another adventure” he muttered quietly to himself, George must have forgotten about the mob farm and gone exploring again. Sapnap was gently pushing the chests out of the way when he noticed something odd with one of them. The lid was just slightly ajar, leaving a small gap to see inside the chest. Normally that would not be weird but George really wasn't the kind of person to leave little things like that out of place. He wasn't organized by any measure but he wouldn't leave a chest open.

Sapnap couched down and opened the chest, staring confused at the normal contents, Just wool, wood, and a couple apples. He shook his head and stood up shrugging off the weird chest, George must've just not seen it. He looked back towards the hallway leading to the others room, “George if you don't wake up I'm going to eat all your food” he waited a moment before grinning at the silence he got back, he must not want to save his food. Sapnap walked into the kitchen and went to the bread he knew George had. He kept it in the cubby hole cabinet in the corner of the kitchen. He grabbed the loaf of bread before turning to search for butter, only to pause when he faced the nearest plant to the cabinet.

Sapnap frowned and leaned closer to the plant, there was a trail of soil spilled out of the pot. Now the chest he could ignore but he knew George loved his plants too much to just spill the soil like that. Sapnap looked around the kitchen with a slight frown, it didn't look like anything else was out of order. Maybe he was overthinking this, it could have easily been an accident. He'll just ask George when he wakes up, but for now he needed to find butter for the bread.

Dream coughed for the hundredth time that night, holding the cloth tight over his mouth. He'd been walking through the tunnels all night and the only thing he found was lung damage and a dead cockroach. There was a thick layer of dust coating everything in the dark walls and a funny smell in the air, one that stung his nose every time he took a breath. Once he realized how thick the dust was he had taken a spare cloth and cut a strip out of it, tying it around the lower half of his face to help filter the air. It wasn't much but it made the air bearable, now if only he had something to cover his eyes from the dust. Once again he was reminded of the loss of his mask, ever since he lost it he had been trying to figure out where it dropped. The only conclusion he got to was it must have been knocked off when the human grabbed him. Which meant it was either with the human or back at the field, neither good options.

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