The End of Our Journey

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"Dream!" the voice shouted, reverberating off the hardwood walls of the living room. "Dreeeeam i have something to show you!"

George looked around with barely contained excitement, eyes peeled for the small movement he had grown to relate with his friend. Of course any other human would be hard fought to spot the borrower. He just so happened to have spent long enough with one to know how to see him.

He waited patiently in the middle of the living room, eyes scanning the floor. It was early morning now, soft golden rays shining into the house and warming the floors. He could hear the birds outside, singing softly in the breeze.

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, he caught sight of movement off to his right. He turned to look, smiling brightly when he spotted him. There, standing on a dresser against the wall, was Dream.

He wore different clothes today. Now sporting what George could only describe as a ranger outfit. He had the usual dark brown under clothes, thin pieces of leather strapped on as armor. But now he wore a soft green cloak, flowing all the way down to obscure most of his boots. The hood was pulled down right now, but he could see it could be pulled up to hide his face if he desired.

Dream let out a huff of breath, looking down the side of the dresser. His eyes tracked the braided rope that swayed in an invisible wind to land curled on the floor miles below. He had heard George shout for him just a few minutes, thankfully nearby. He went for the nearest exit, curious to see what he was needed for.

He had been planning on going out today, donning his new cloak to camouflage better in the wild. He had made it himself, months of work that had been stalled time and time again. But the night before he had finally sewn the last stitch.

He left the rope where it was, tied securely to the hook lodged into the soft wood of the dresser. He looked off to his left, seeing George had already spotted him. Some part of him wanted to be unnerved by that, knowing a human could spot him so easily. But it didn't somehow, not with George at least.

Dream let a soft smile onto his face, hidden by the polished white mask. He walked closer to the edge, tilting his head up just a bit to see George. "You called?"

George gave him a bright smile, taking a couple steps closer. The dresser was a tall one, so Dream stood just about shoulder length with him. "That I did, I'm glad you heard." George looked down suddenly, as if remembering, and reached for the pouch on his belt.

He spoke while he looked through the pouch, excitement clear in his voice. "So I went on a walk this morning, y'know it was oddly nice today so i didnt wanna miss it. And look what I found!" He pulled something out of the pouch, holding it up to Dream.

Dreams' eyes widened behind the mask, looking at what he was holding. It was a flower, one with small petals that flowed out from in the center to form a round shape. It reminded him a little bit of a lion's mane.

The petals started as a deep velvety red color at the stem before bleeding into a gentle white at the ends. It looked as if a red flower was dipped into fresh snow, painting the tips white.
Dream looked between the flower and George, head tilting as he tried to figure out what it meant. "it's...a very pretty flower" he settled on, looking up in confusion.

George rolled his eyes and pulled the flower back, "it's a dahlia, but that's not just it." he tucked the flower back into the pouch before looking at Dream with excitement. "It's the first of the spring flowers I planted! They had all bloomed! I wanted to show you"

Dream laughed lightly, finally understanding. "I would love to see them," he said softly, a fond look on his face that went unseen. George gave him a brilliant smile, bringing his hand up to rest on the dresser. "C'mon then, the sun is up by now so it should look even better!"

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