chapter 17

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“Come on Tommy! I’m aging to death waiting for you” Tubbo whined, impatiently waiting on Tommy to finish getting ready. Tommy huffed, slipping on his jacket, “don't be so dramatic, I'm coming.” he picked up his bag on the way over to the fidgeting Tubbo. They had woken up with the sun this morning, already feeling the chill seeping through the blankets. Tommy had fully intended to go back to sleep but Tubbo had woken up with instant nervous energy. They had planned to go back to Ranboos house today, just to make sure nothing too drastic was happening.

Tubbo didn't have to bribe Tommy to wake up this time, soon enough his nervous energy spread to the tired Nomad. So they both were ready in no time, heading out of the shed's cover early. Most of the Nomads were still sleeping, bundled up in their blankets next to their small camps. They walked quietly as they snuck past the sleeping forms, letting the quiet morning noises cover their footsteps. The birds were just starting to sing now that the sky was slowly lightening. They could smell the early morning, the early chill nipped at their fingers.

Once they ducked under the broken part of the fencing and made it outside they became less conscious of their noise. They walked through the dew soaked forest, sidestepping muddy puddles on the ground. The branches reaching from the shrubs surrounding them dipped down in the early morning, weighed down by water droplets caught in their leaves. Tommy slowed near one of the low hanging branches, reaching into the shining droplet suspended on the leaf. He jumped back when the invisible bubble around the droplet popped, splashing water down the leaf. He laughed quietly as this set off a chain reaction on the branch, dropping all of the other water droplets it carried.

Tubbo watched the droplets hit the ground, splashing mud in all directions. He jumped back to avoid the splash, ”watch it!” he said, sending a glare at his sheepish brother. Tubbo didn't hesitate to whack the nearest branch to Tommy, sending more droplets down to splash water on him. Tommy sputtered, looking shocked at his now damp hair. He did not retaliate, choosing to raise his hands in surrender. “Alright alright fair, I give” Tubbo nodded in acceptance, having a smug look. They continued on their way after that, both resisting in their usual activities of annoying the other. The nervous energy only doubled as they got closer to Ranboos' property.

They made it across the road quicker then normal, eager yet nervous to see what Ranboo would do now that he knew they existed. Once they made it to the garden they slowed down a bit. Tubbo looked up at the bright blue sky through the leaves, frowning at the lack of bee presents. “Hey Tommy, you see any bees?” Tommy glanced at him confused, glancing around to check. Once he realized the same thing Tubbo did he frowned in confusion, “that's odd, there's always at least a few out here” they kept walking through the garden, keeping an eye out for any bees. The friendly bugs were a good sign of a peaceful area, they didn't usually go near any overly violent or crowded places. So it was a bit worrying when all the bees decided to clear out on a perfectly sunny day.

They made it to the house soon enough, trying to ignore the bubbling worry from the bees. Tubbo glanced at Tommy while he pushed open the entrance, “so what's the plan? See if we can get a bit more from those chests?” Tommy nodded, pushing aside the door. “Yeah I guess so, maybe check to make sure Ranboo isn't doing anything drastic.” Tubbo nodded, following after Tommy into the dark passageway. It took a few seconds for Tommy to light the torch when the door sealed shut. Hearing only the flicking of flint before the torch lit up in an explosion of red sparks.

Tommy took the lead through the tunnel, heading towards the basement. Hopefully Ranboo was still sleeping even though it was getting late into the morning. They made their way quietly through the tunnel, hearing only the cracks of the gently flaming torch and their shuffled footsteps. It was a few minutes of quiet before they got to the basement entrance, Tommy going to push it open enough to see through.

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