Chapter 22

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"Tubbo....Tubbo wake up." Tommy whispered, gently nudging his brother's shoulder. The first warm rays of the sun were slowly painting the room in a golden glow, chasing away the night's cold shadows. Tommy had just woken up a few minutes before, feeling the gentle touch of the sun behind his eyelids. It was still early in the morning, enough for the house to still hold its quiet calm of the night.

Tommy sat cross legged on the dark red brick, watching Tubbo attempt to resist waking up. The brick below was still warm, whether by the dying fire or the sun's rays he wasn't sure. Either way it felt amazing, the warmth seeping into his bones and chasing away the cold he was accustomed to. They rarely ever woke up to somewhere warm, enough to easily fall back asleep. In the Nomad's life they were no stranger to waking up with the early chill of the morning, already seeping through their blankets and pushing at them to start the day.

Tommy leaned back against the brick wall beside them, letting out a content sigh as his gaze lazily looked around the room. It was strange seeing the living room in the day, less intimidating. The soft golden light streaming through the windows softened the space, making it look so...normal. There was a pile of blankets on the couch, something he must've missed the night before.

There was a shifting next to him as Tubbo slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He leaned on the wall beside him, looking out at the room. They sat in comfortable silence, looking out at the slowly brightening room. Tubbo spoke up in a quiet voice after a few minutes ticked by, "don't you think it's odd? How he hasn't done anything."

Tommy nodded, thinking the same thing, with a troubled look on his face. "I don't really know what to make of it. Y'know we've been coming here for so long that I barely even see this place as some random house we borrow from." Tommy whispered, looking out at the familiar room. He didn't know what to make of his words, but he always found he figured things out best when he spoke them aloud.

Tubbo let out a quiet sigh, feeling similar emotions. "I know the feeling..." he didn't want to admit it but he stopped thinking of this place as some random human's house a long time ago. This was Ranboos' house, not a friend but not just a human.

Movement caught Tommy's eye, distracting him from their conversation. Over on the couch, in the pile of blankets.....he could have sworn he saw something move. He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to see anything more. It was only when Tubbo nudged him and pointed out something that he finally spotted it. It was hard to see, but there was the very tip of a black ear sticking out from the blankets, twitching every once in a while.

Tommy slowly looked from the ear over to Tubbo, raising an eyebrow in question. "How long has he been there?"

Tubbo couldn't help the quiet giggle that broke out at the sight of Ranboo buried in blankets. "Probably all night if he's still sleeping, but I don't think he was there when we fell asleep"

Tommy nodded in agreement, joining in at Tubbos amusement. "He can't have just not seen us, I'm pretty sure he's got some damn good hearing so if he didn't see us then he definitely heard us"

Tubbo tilted his head in confusion. "So he just ignored us?" that simultaneously made a lot of sense and no sense at all. Humans didn't just pass up opportunities like that, they were evil and they destroyed everything they touched. Evidence of that had been shoved in their faces all their lives. So why wasn't this one doing that?

Tommy sent a troubled look at the pile of blankets, feeling his guts twist at the many unanswered questions it brought up. "we should...we should leave" this was the kind of stuff Wilbur warned him about, told him so many times not to do. It was his job to protect Tubbo and this whole situation was getting more and more unpredictable.

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