chapter 23

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Warmth. Surrounding him on all sides and sinking deep into his tired muscles. It felt good, really good, a lot better than his usual wake up calls of the fire dying out and leaving the room freezing. Dream sighed contently and leaned heavily against whatever was giving off so much heat.

It didn't take long for his memories to slowly begin to come back; waking up sick, dragging himself out here, George helping him....Dream slowly blinked his eyes open at the last memory, was he still with George? He didn't have much to go off when he did wake up enough to look around. He was surrounded by the somewhat familiar sight of George's hands, cupped carefully around him. His body resisted him when he pushed himself up, begging to fall back into the comfortable bliss.

Dream only managed to push himself upright, leaning heavily against George's hand before his body forced him to stop. He felt exhausted, more bone tired then he's probably ever been. But at the same time he felt better than yesterday, more clear headed and closer to normal. He just felt really weak now, muscles complaining every time he tried to move.

Dream let out a sigh, looking up at the only opening in Georges cupped hands. There was no way he was going to try climbing out, not with how weak he felt. George was just gonna have to wake his lazy ass up. "Geooooooorge wake up" Dream whined, letting his head fall backwards against his hand.

"Go away..." Dream heard George mumble tiredly, muffled by what he assumed was a pillow. He rolled his eyes in exasperation, feeling his stomach grumble hungrily. "C'mon George the sun's already out!" Dream called up. His only response was a quiet sigh, one he felt reverberated through the hands holding him.

It was only a moment later before he felt movement, making him brace against the hand as the world swayed. The hands opened around him, the one he wasn't leaning on pulling away entirely. He let out a quiet sigh of relief when the movement stopped, thankfully his stomach was already empty so no urge to throw up. He still wasn't used to the motion sickness of moving like that.

Dream looked up at George, seeing him leaning against the wall the bed was against. He barely looked awake, sporting one hell of a bed head and partially closed eyes. Dream couldn't stop the laugh that slipped out at the sight, earning him an annoyed glare from George. "Not a morning person then?"

George sent him a flat look, "you are?" Nobody should be a morning person, the morning was for sleeping.

Dream shrugged, "sometimes, depends on how late I stayed up" sometimes he was up late borrowing, or stitching together new clothes. He lost count of how many times he watched the sunrise from his bedroom window back in his forest home.

George nodded blearily, looking around the room. The soft golden light from the rising sun was just peaking into the room, warm rays not far enough to chase away the night's chill just yet. George glanced down when he felt Dream move, seeing him shift closer to his hand to ward off the cold. He looked a lot better than the previous night, the healing potion must have already kicked in. but it was hard to truly tell how he was doing with the mask in the way, the white porcelain perfected hid his face.

George snorted in amusement when a thought came to him, not meaning to say it aloud. "What if you wear the mask to hide the fact that you are part mouse. Like you probably have whiskers or something." he could probably blame the lack of sleep for his loose words, as entertaining as they were.

Dream bristled in indignation, pushing himself to stand up. "I am not a mouse! And I definitely don't have whiskers" George laughed, not expecting that of all things to have struck a nerve, "well how am i supposed to know? I've never seen your face so it's perfectly reasonable that you could be part mouse"

Dream sputtered, dumbfounded by the ridiculous logic he was hearing. "In what way do I seem mouse related?!" the second the words left his mouth he knew it was the wrong choice. He saw the shit eating grin on George's face as he felt the warm blush creeping up his neck. He spoke up before George could even say anything, not wanting to give him the chance. "Nope! Don't say it!"

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