Chapter 12

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This could not have gone worse. Out of all the things that could've happened when that stupid gust blew him off the roof, this was definitely the worst. Well maybe not the worst, he could have landed on the hard ground after all. But getting caught midair by the human he was supposed to be watching from afar was definitely not high on his list of good landings.

It was dark now, the only thing he could see was bits of light shining through whenever the hands surrounding him shifted. He lay in the middle of the cupped hands, trying his best not to touch anything more than he had to. It was disorienting, feeling the heat coming off the humans hands, it was like standing right next to a furnace. Dream held as still as he could even as his heart raced out of control. Just a few seconds before he had felt George fall hard on the ground, but somehow the hand he was stuck in stayed somewhat steady. It had to have hurt to not catch himself from the fall, instead focusing on keeping his hands steady.

Dream frowned behind his mask, trying to figure a way out of this mess. George could open his hands any time and that would be his best chance to make his move, catch him by surprise. He couldn't jump from this height, if the fall didn't break his legs then it would definitely knock the breath out of him. Which would give George the chance to recapture him, so he had to think of another way. He could always try to threaten the giant with his sword, it probably wouldn't do much more than make him hesitate. His options were pretty shit if he was being honest.

He glanced down to make sure his stuff was still with him, relieved to see everything where it should be. So far his only real options were to either talk his way out of this or stay quiet, maybe he would think he couldn't speak English. He had heard of stories from borrowers that had seen others get taken, heard how they sometimes play dumb. The human would get frustrated with the silence and be more likely to disregard them as nothing more than mindless animals.

So he would try silence first, if he got lucky enough then George wouldn't push him to speak. He hadn't even considered what the giant would do with him if he didn't escape. Hopefully if it went down that route then George would leave him long enough for Wilbur to help him out.

Dream jolted slightly, feeling George shifting slightly. He could hear the heavy breathing shaking the hands he stood on, and if he focused enough then he could feel the fast heartbeat too. He couldn't tell what he was doing, only being able to listen to the silence broken only by the occasional shaky breath.

The silence went on for so long that he couldn't help but jump in surprise when George spoke softly. "Are...are you ok in there?" Dream raised an eyebrow at the question, he swore he could feel how awkward George asked that. And what was he supposed to say to that? 'Oh yeah I just fell off a roof and was caught by a giant, but yeah I'm totally fine' he rolled his eyes, staying quiet instead.

"Right that's fair, sorry I really didn't think ahead on this. I just saw you falling and just kinda acted...." Dream let them lapse into silence at that, feeling slightly exasperated at George. If he knew how awkward the man was then he might have said something before he decided to be quiet. Of course he couldn't entirely blame him for it, this isn't an everyday experience for either of them.

Dream heard a quiet sigh from George before the world tilted, sending him sprawling on his side. He heard George mutter a quiet apology while he stood up, struggling for a moment with both his hands taken. Dream let out a heavy breath at the sudden motion sickness, feeling the world sway as George started walking. He couldn't even try to figure out what he was doing, to focused on not throwing up.

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