chapter 11

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It was Windy today, that was the first thing he knew when he woke up. He could hear the loud creaking of the walls as the wind pushed against them. Dream slowly opened his eyes, surprised to feel the absence of the heavy tired weight he'd been feeling since the start of his travels. This would be the first night he actually slept on something even remotely like a bed, and it definitely was noticed. His bones didn't ache as bad and he actually felt refreshed, ready to face whatever the day threw at him.

Dream glanced over at the other couch, seeing it empty of the other borrower. It looked like the fireplace was out too, just a few smoldering coals left behind for warmth. The house was quiet now, besides the creaking wood, so Wilbur must be sleeping or not here. Dream slowly pushed the thick blanket off himself, sitting up tiredly. He could tell his hair was an absolute mess when he ran a hand through it, the disheveled dirty blonde locks sticking up at odd angles. He adjusted his mask, making sure it was still in place.

He stood up from the couch, stretching out his sore muscles, and looked around for his bag. He spotted the dull brown bag hanging from one of the hooks by the door, undisturbed from where Wilbur must have left it. The house looked a lot less abandoned now, with the majority of the dust swept away. Maybe he could borrow that glowstone today to lighten up the house, and the tunnels. Wilbur had made a good point the other night, Dream really hadn't been planning on leaving. Of course he told himself he would but deep down he knew he still had unanswered questions, things he needed to know before he could even consider leaving. So he might as well make the tunnels convenient while he was here.

Dream yawned tiredly heading to his bag, he lifted it from the hook and set it down on the bench. He sifted through the contents, looking for his water and borrowed bread. He could feel his stomach growling irritably and knew he would need something to eat soon. Especially with what he planned today, he had to stick with what he said to Wilbur. So today he would be watching George, just to make sure he wasn't planning anything life threatening to them.

Dream found the bread and grimaced, feeling how stale it was, maybe a trip to the kitchen was in order. He put the bread back into the bag and pulled out his flask, drinking enough to shake off the drowsy feeling from sleeping. Once he was finished he put the flask away and put the bag over his head, letting the strap hang over his chest.

Dream made sure he had all he needed before he headed out, including his grapple, bag, and glowstone. He first went to the kitchen entrance to get bread, figuring that would be a good first step in finding George. He still had no clue where Wilbur was so couldn't ask him, but it couldn't be too hard to find a giant.

The trip there was a lot faster now, having memorized the path, so he arrived at the door in no time. Quietly he pushed the entrance open and slipped out, keeping an eye on the cupboard entrance for any movement. Dream made his way over to the loaf of bread, pulling out his sword to help cut it. Judging from the silence coming from the kitchen it was safe to assume George wasn't around, of course he would check to make sure.

He made quick work of cutting the bread, taking a thin slice from the corner and storing it in his bag. Once he finished that, he looked out towards the entrance. There was a small ray of light shining through it, coming from the midday sun shining through the kitchen window. Slowly Dream walked to the entrance, being uncomfortably reminded of the stupid decision he was about to make yesterday. He knew it was stupid, and it went against every borrower rule and survival instinct. But still, something about not knowing what George was doing irked him. There was no denying that George knew he was here, he saw that himself. But still he didn't do anything, just went about his normal routine. Well Dream didn't actually know what his routine was, hence why he was having so much trouble finding him.

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