chapter 14

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“Hurry up Tubbo!” Tommy whispered urgently, waving him over to the small space he was sitting in. light was streaming through a hole in the wall a little bigger than his head, where he sat looking through it excitedly. Tubbo sat down next to him and nudged him over so he could see through it too. Right after dropping off the note they had rushed to the opposite wall, where they knew a hole was. They didn't even make the hole either, it was there when they first showed up. They both watched wide eyed as Ranboo tried to figure out what woke him up.

He sat quietly on his bed with a slightly nervous look, eyes scanning the room. It didn't take him long before his eyes landed on the unfamiliar note on the desk. He made no move to get closer, instead just staring at the paper like it was going to jump at him. He stayed like that for a minute, the heavy consideration clear on his face. “I can't just sit here forever…” he muttered to himself, slowly getting up while not taking his eyes off the paper. He took hesitant steps towards the desk, wanting nothing more than to go downstairs and ignore this mysterious paper. Was this the ghost? Did it come back after giving him a few weeks of rest?

Once he stood next to the desk he reached for the paper nervously. He paused just before touching it, feeling a familiar swell of nervousness in his chest that had nothing to do with the paper. It was the feeling of people looking at him, his enderman side was particularly good at knowing when he was being watched.

Ranboo looked around the room with an air of nervousness, his ears swiveling to try and catch any noise. He was met with only silence, creeping him out even more. He could always see people when they were looking at him, but now he couldn't even find them. It had to be the ghost, watching him from the grave.

He turned back to the note, gently picking it up. He slowly unrolled the piece of paper, confused to find smudges of charcoal on his fingers. Once he unrolled it, he looked down to read it. The words on the paper were written in crude handwriting, letters exaggerated to fill the page where it wrote “Bewear the Shadows?”

Ranboo bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing, feeling his nervous energy fall away. He looked up at the room and couldn't help the laugh that slipped out, “That's not how you spell beware”

Tubbo looked over at Tommy with an exasperated look and spoke in a hushed voice. “seriously!? You're supposed to be the good one at spelling” Tommy glared back at him, trying to ignore the embarrassed flush on his face.'' I am! That's just a stupid word!” Tubbo sat back from the hole in the wall, giving Tommy an incredulous look, “a hard word!? Even I can spell that and Wilbur didn't even teach me as much as he did you!” Tommy huffed angrily, sitting back as well. “Well I didn't exactly have a lot of time to write it! Maybe if you would have spent less time watching him then you would have helped write the note!” as they bickered their voices started rising, speaking in normal tones instead of the hushed voices they needed to be.

Ranboos' ears twitched, finally hearing small noises coming from the other side of the room. He set the note down on the table before taking quiet steps towards the noise, trying not to tip off whatever it was that he heard it. As he got closer to the noise he stopped in confusion, seeing just a wall. The only things decorating the wall were a painting and a framed diamond sword, nothing that should be making the whispers he was hearing. He could hear it better now, being able to distinguish it as actual voices speaking in angry tones.

He frowned in confusion, scanning the wall. Once his eyes slid past the painting something caught his eye, just under the frame. It was cast in the small shadow made by the painting so it was near impossible to see. But he could see it, just barely, and once he spotted it he knew that was where the noises were coming from. It was a small hole in the wall, barely an inch wide with a small portion of the top half covered by the painting.

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