Unrequited Love

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The cast of Infinity War has been in Atlanta filming for the last two and a half months, and some of them have decided to rent out a house in the country and live together while filming. The country house members are Scarlett, Lizzie, Sebastian, Chris E, Anthony, and Alycia. The three women took the three rooms on the second floor while the three men took the three rooms down in the basement. The country house wasn't too big and it wasn't too small either, it was the perfect size for the six friends, it was cozy and homey. 

Alycia was gone a lot considering that she's currently filming The Fear of the Walking Dead, The 100, and Infinity War all at the same time. The other members of the household weren't sure how Alycia was managing to do it all and they believe that she only ever gets her sleep during her flights back and forth. Even though the six friends can get annoyed with each other sometimes, they all became best friends while living together. 

Alycia and Lizzie have become the best of best friends and the two couldn't be any happier about it. Alycia loved her friendship with Lizzie but their growing relationship isn't helping Alycia's true feelings towards the blonde. There wasn't much Alycia can do since Lizzie made it very clear how in love she is with her boyfriend Robbie, plus Alycia wouldn't ever dare ruin that for her best friend. 

Alycia may be a great actress and almost everyone wouldn't suspect a thing but her friends who are living with her have gotten to know so much of her that they can see through her act, well except for Lizzie. They all can see the shift in Alycia's demeanor when Lizzie starts talking about Robbie but what solidified their assumption was how she acted when Robbie stayed with them for a few nights. Alycia had no clue that they knew about her feelings towards the blonde since she never talked about her feelings openly. Every time she was asked if she has any interest in anybody she would always say "no" and tonight was no different. 

The cast is currently sitting around the long rectangular table in a restaurant for dinner. A lot of the castmates partners and families decided to visit this weekend therefore they all decided to go out for dinner. Some even brought their kids for the visit, including Scarlett's daughter Rose who came down with Colin. Lizzie's boyfriend also came down for a visit yet again and is currently sat beside Lizzie and across the table from Sebastian who is sat beside Alycia. Alycia was finding it hard to avoid the couple across from her since all she can hear are the laughs and giggles coming out of the blonde's mouth despite all the different conversations going around the table. 

"So Alycia, how's your love life going?" Robbie asks making Lizzie push him slightly, "Robbie that's invasive." 

Alycia sits up a little straighter and lets out a chuckle, "love life is currently non-existent." 

"I don't believe that for one second," Robbie replies. 

"Well start believing it because the only relationship I have is my relationship with my Netflix currently," Alycia jokes making the man laugh slightly. "Not everyone can be like you two, you know," the brunette teases. 

"I'm sure you'll find your person," Lizzie says to the brunette before turning to Robbie with a wide smile, "I sure found mine." 

Alycia's breath got caught in her throat watching the couple, she wanted to look away but for some reason, she was frozen. 

"And I found mine," Robbie pauses before continuing, "And I sure as hell will marry you," and with that, the couple shared a passionate kiss. 

The kiss broke the frozen state that Alycia was in and excuses herself from the table walking outside to the area where guests usually go out to smoke and she was thankful when she found no one. 

"Why don't you just tell her?" Alycia jumps slightly from the voice not expecting anyone to follow her. She turns around to see Sebastian walking towards her and follows him with her eyes as he stops right beside her. 

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