Chapter 1

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Nobody's POV

Hinata had just finished uploading his new video. He recently hit 20 million followers on YouTube so he decided to make a video thanking his fans. Whenever he spoke normally on video, he used a voice changer so nobody would recognize his voice. He looked over at his clock and jumped up. 'Shit !' He had been up all night editing his video and making plans for his next one. He hurried and got ready so he could be early for volleyball practice.

"KAGEYAMAAAAAAA !!", he screamed as he saw his best friend across the road.

"SHUT UP I'M WINNING TODAY !", Kageyama screamed back as he started running towards the gym.

Hinata quickly ran as fast as he could, beating Kageyama by two seconds.

"HAH ! I BEAT YOU AGAINNN !", he laughed and pointed at Kageyama.

"Idiot", Kageyama rolled his eyes as they entered the gym.

After practice

Hinata sat through his first few classes, feeling bored. He only looked forward to one class everyday, and that was music. He loved it for two reasons:

1. He makes music, duh

2. His crush, a certain salty blondie

He bursted into music class and his eyes practically sparkled. He was the first one there since he literally ran as fast as he could. The rest of the class soon filled in and the teacher allowed them to play what they wanted for the day since they've been doing so well.

Hinata sat in his corner with his electric guitar and tuned it. He glanced over at his crush every few seconds to see what he was doing. He was also playing an electric guitar but he seemed to be having trouble with it. Hinata saw the teacher walk over to him and speak to him about something and saw them both look over. He blushed lightly and quickly went back to tuning his guitar.


Hinata froze for a second before looking up, "O-oh Tsukishima.. what's up ?", he tried to keep himself calm. 'His eyes are so mesmerizing'

"Don't tell anybody about this later", he sat down, plugging his guitar into another amp. "The teacher thought I was struggling and made me come ask you for help. I'm fine though just pretend to help me. We don't have to talk or anything." Tsukishima then began messing with the guitar, clearly struggling.

Hinata held in his laughter and went back to his own guitar. He started to play a few parts of one of his songs, but not too much.

"Is that RedNinja !?", Tsukishima whispers.

Hinata jumped a bit, stopping, "O-oh ! Yeah haha, he's great" he panicked on the inside, 'He knows my songs !?'

Tsukishima looked around and made sure nobody was close enough to hear him, "Hey..Hinata. Can you keep a secret ?"

Hinata had the biggest secret of all, so of course he could keep one. "Of course, Tsukki" he covered his mouth, "I-I mean Tsukishima.."

"It's fine, just don't call me that around the others I guess. And the only reason I'm telling you this is because Yams doesn't really care for music like I do and clearly you do... Well, I love RedNinja.."

Hinata laughed, "I love him too haha"

Tsukishima glared at him for a moment before looking away and sighing, "No Hinata. I love him."

Hinata froze and just stared at him for a moment. 'He loves me !? Wait no.. he loves the person he sees on YouTube.. ugh'

"Oooh I see. How long have you been into him ? He's been on YouTube for almost a year and he already has 20 million followers, isn't that so cool !?" Hinata exclaimed, smiling wide.

Tsukishima blushed lightly, "I was one of his first followers. I've watched him from the very beginning and I know all of his songs. His voice is so mesmerizing and I need to find him. He says he's the same age as us so I know it's possible to find him. I just don't know how.."

Hinata was about to respond, but the bell rang and he frowned.

"Is it okay if I text you tonight ? I know it seems weird but you're the only person I can talk to about this.. please don't tell anybody.", Tsukishima stood up, getting ready to leave.

Hinata stood up and smiled, blushing lightly, "Yeah you can text me. I can get a little busy at home sometimes but I'll always reply as fast as I can haha"

Tsukishima gave him a little smile before leaving.

Hinata POV

Im freaking the fuck out. I just spaced out during my last two classes and now it's time for volleyball and I don't know if I can concentrate. Tsukki loves me but he doesn't know it's me and I like him but he doesn't like this me. I nearly passed out on my way to volleyball when Kageyama ran passed me, causing me to go back to reality.

I quickly chased after him and jumped on his back as soon as we got to the gym.

"YOU CHEATER !!!!l", I screamed.

"HINATA YOU IDIOT GET OFF OF ME !", Kageyama tried to get me off his back, but I just jumped off and hurried into the changing room.

I hummed one of my songs as I changed and saw Tsukki peek over at me. I'm guessing because he recognized the song. I feel so bad for not telling anybody that it's me. The only person that knows is Kenma and that's because he's my bestest best friend and he can always keep a secret for me and I do the same for him. I wonder if Tsukki would still love RedNinja if he found out it was me..

After practice

I waved goodbye to everybody as me and Kageyama began walking our way home. We talked about how boring school was and how we can improve our quick. We split off on our usual path and I biked the rest of the way home. I haven't told Kageyama about my secret because simply put, he's a blabber mouth. I once told him I fell in the shower and hurt my butt and couldn't make it to practice on time and he ACTUALLY told the whole team. I never told him anything again after that.

Once I got home and showered, I received a text from Tsukki.

Tsukki🦖😍: Hey are you busy rn ?

Nah I'm just laying on my bed.

Tsukki🦖😍: Oh ok, can we call.. texting is a lot of work.


Tsukki calls me and we instantly pick up where we left off in class, talking about all types of music. It was really nice to have somebody to talk to about this, but it's so hard trying to hide my feelings and identity. It's a good thing he thinks I'm a complete idiot or else I'm sure he would've figured out I like him already. We spoke for about two hours and eventually fell asleep on the phone together.


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