Chapter 7

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A/N: I'll signal when to play the song.
In case you can't play it, here's the link.

The next morning
Tsukki POV

I was walking over to Sho's house when my phone vibrated. It was him telling me that they're gone. I walked a bit faster and got there after 10 more minutes. I rang the bell and he answered almost immediately.

"I missed youuuuuu !", he shouted as he tackled me with a hug.

I chuckled and hugged him back, blushing lightly, "I missed you to, Sho. Let's head inside."

We went in and head led me to the living room. I figured we'd go to his room, but I guess not.

"Hey Sho ? Why don't we go up to your room ?", I asked, looking over at him.

He blushed and rubbed his neck, "Oh uh.. I'm not really ready for you to see it yet.. heh.. soon though I promise" he smiled at me wide.

I chuckled, "Alright that's fine. Let's watch some movies"

I put my feet up on the couch and Sho laid on me. Within minutes we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

A few hours later I woke up and decided to make us some food. He had ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs so I made that. I hope he likes it..

Hinata POV

I woke up smelling... SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS !?

I jumped up and stretched before rushing into the kitchen, "YOU'RE MAKING SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS !"

Tsukki looked at me and rose a brow, smirking a bit, "Quite a sense of smell you got there, Sho. Since you're up you can set the table"

I smiled wide and did as I was told. A few minutes later, Tsukki fixed the food on our plates and sat next to me.

"Thank you for the meal !", we said together.

After eating, me and Tsukki were sitting on the couch again and I pouted.

"What's wrong, Sho ?", Tsukki looked at me.

I blushed lightly, "it's getting late.. and I don't want you to leave.." I covered my face in embarrassment.

He chuckled, "Well it's a good thing I brought some clothes just in case"

My eyes lit up and I jumped on him. I was gonna get cuddles allllll weekend.

Monday after school
Tsukki POV

We were about to leave get dressed when Hinata had to leave without me. He said something about having to pick up Natsu or something before sprinting out. I shrugged it off and went home alone. When I got home, my phone buzzed and when I looked at it, I nearly dropped it. I won the raffle !?

I instantly called Shoyo.

"Hello- HAHAH NATSU STOPPP", Hinata shouted and Natsu was in the background laughing. "Tsukkiii, im sorry for the noise ! Natsu is- AHHH STOPP ! NATSU IS TICKLING MEEE"

I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "it's fine. I just wanted to say I actually won the raffle. Isn't that crazy ??"

"THATS GREAT TSUKKI !" Hinata shouted while still giggling. "When is the show ?"

"Umm it says Friday at 7pm. Should I go ?", I rubbed my neck.

"Of course ! And you should wear the sweater too ! It's gonna be so cool !", Hinata beamed.

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