Chapter 6

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Hinata POV

I woke up the next morning and felt cold. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, looking around. Where's Kei..?

I stood up and stretched, looking at the time. It was still pretty early so we'd definitely make it to practice. I looked over and saw my clothes on the bed. He washed my clothes ? I smiled as I picked it up. I got dressed in my uniform and went downstairs to find him in the kitchen staring at his phone.

"Good morningggggg !", I smiled and hugged him from behind.

"Morning.. Look there's a new teaser for RedNinja's new song. Wanna watch together ?", he asked as he looked over at me.

I smiled and nodded, sitting with him at the table. We watched the video and I was so excited. I couldn't wait to drop this song. Maybe I could tell Kei about me being RedNinja. I decided I'd ask some friends for help later tonight.

After eating a small breakfast, we headed to school.

"Um.. I'm not sure I wanna tell anybody about us yet.. it's a bit embarrassing for me with the attention and all..", He blushed lightly and squeezed his bag strap.

I smiled up at him, "If that's what'll make you happy then I'm happy. We don't have to tell anybody yet. But... can I get just oneeee kiss before we get to school ?", I blushed and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

He looked at me and chuckled, "sure."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead before kissing me on the lips for a few seconds. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before running ahead to meet Kags at our spot.

Tsukki POV

I watched as Sho ran to meet Kageyama at their spot. I chuckled at his energy and sighed as I walked. I felt someone sneak up behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"For the millionth time, Yams, you cannot scare me", I turned and watched his face fill with horror.

"H-how did I get scared when you were supposed to !?", he shouted.

"Because you're not scary, come on let's go."

We soon reached gym and saw the usual. Sho and Kageyama shouting at each other and acting like fools. I looked at Hinata and winked when he looked over before quickly walking away. I saw him blushing out of the corner of my eye and I snickered.

Hinata POV

After practice we all went to class and it was sooooo boring. I scribbled in my book while I tried to pay attention. But soon I was lost in thought as I thought about Kei and my new song. Before I knew it, lunch time came. I ran to the lunchroom and sat down with everyone on the team as I pulled out my phone. I decided to text Kenma to see if we could meet up later.


Kenken: Yes, Shoyo..

Meet with me tonight plsss. I need help with something. And I miss you. You can bring the others if you wanna

Kenken: Um ok I guess. I'm sleeping over tho it's gonna be late. You need more help with the song or something ?

Ahh something like that.. I'll explain later ! Be by my house at 7pm okay

Kenken: ok Shoyo

I smiled at my phone, I can't wait to see them later. My phone vibrated and I looked back down at it to see it was Kei.

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