Chapter 2

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Hinata sat in his room playing his guitar and coming up with a new song. 'Hmm maybe I should go live and talk to some fans today' , he thought to himself.

He texted his mom to tell her not to disturb him since he'll be going live. 'Oh her and Natsu are going to the mall anyway. So I'm definitely good.'

Hinata put his hair in a few loose braids and put on a wig cap. He then threw on a hoodie and put the hood on before putting on his mask. He fixed up his set up and went on YouTube to go live. He turned on the voice changer and tested it before starting the live. As soon as he started it up, there were already a couple hundred people joining.

"Hey guys ! RedNinja here ! Just bored so I figured I'd hop on and play some guitar and talk to you all. Maybe do a little Q&A for you all. But I won't be able to answer everything, you all know that haha. Also I wanna try something new, I'm about to allow commenting, so first comment gets a follow back from me on my RedNinja Instagram and maybe I'll even reply to a message~"

He looked over at his laptop, allowed commenting, and scrolled up to the first comment as they came flooding in, it was Tsukki.


He chuckled and read the screen, "Hmmmm it looks like I'm following back Tsukki_Dino. You've got quick fingers buddy haha"

Hinata blushed behind the mask, 'Geez I didn't know he was that obsessed with me. I feel so bad not telling him but I can't.. not yet.' He picked up his phone and went on his RedNinja instagram to follow Tsukki.

"Aaaaand followed. Sorry to those who didn't comment in time, maybe I'll do it again sometime, maybe I won't. Who knows ? Anywayyyy let's get on with the guitar, any requests ?"

Hinata spent about two hours on the live with thousands of his fans before ending it to go enjoy the rest of his Saturday.

He removed his disguise and scrolled down his instagram. He went and laid on his bed, sighing in relaxation. Soon he saw that he got a message. He checked and saw that it was Tsukki texting him on his RedNinja account.

Tsukki_Dino: Hello ! I don't know if you'll respond to this.. But I really love your music and you don't know how happy you made me by just following me. I hope someday I can meet you. The real you.

Hey Tsukki  ! I really appreciate the support. I've noticed that you've been following me for a very long time and it means a lot to me.

Tsukki_Dino: Omg you actually responded, I'm literally crying right now. I hope you don't think that's weird lol. I've always loved your music. Your voice actually saved me when I was going through things with my family.

I can't just leave my favorite follower hanging. By the way, you're veeeeery cute😉 I've got to go now. Maybe we can talk soon Tsukki

Tsukki_Dino: 😵

Tsukki POV


"LANGUAGE KEI !", my mom shouted back to me.

"SORRYY !!!", I yelled back before covering my mouth.

I have to tell Hinata. He's not going to believe this.

Hinata POV

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