Chapter 3

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A/N: Here is the name of it in case the video won't play for you. I write on my phone and for some reason I can't paste the link. Hopefully it just plays though lol. I recommend playing it when I say he's starting the concert, but it's up to you when you wanna play it.

Dramaturgy - Eve


Timeskip to Friday night
Hinata POV

I was setting up for a virtual concert when Tsukki texted me.



Tsukki🦖😍: Aww man will you be listening still though ?

Yeah of course, I'll listen to it with my little sister. I gotta go now but we can text later tonight. If you want I mean !

Tsukki🦖😍: Yeah sure, enjoy the show. I'm wearing the hoodie rn, thanks again Sho😌

No problem Tsukki, I'm glad you're happy☺️

It was just about time for me to start the virtual concert. I already had on my disguise and my set up was ready to go.

*Play song now if you didn't play it already*

Tsukki POV

I stared at my tv, amazed at what I saw. My crush, RedNinja, was playing a new song and it made me want to dance. So I did. Nobody was home right now so it wasn't embarrassing. I played an air guitar, pretending I was right next to him. How can he play guitar so well AND sing so well ?? Ugh I hope someday I can find out who he is. I wonder what the real reason he hides is. A few months ago he said it was because his mom was worried about him being underage or something, but I know it has to be deeper than that.

I jumped around my room along to the concert playing loudly. At some point I just stopped and admired him. I wonder what color hair he has. And his eyes, were they brown ? I hope they were. I love brown eyes. He's obviously short, which is so adorable. I probably wouldn't tell him that though.

I watched his fingers move magically on the guitar and I was just mesmerized. I wonder if his hands are soft. His hands are so small, it's so amazing how well he can play the guitar. I sat there and felt as if I was in the room with him. I want to hug him.


Little did he know, he has already hugged his crush earlier that week. Later that night, Hinata decided to text Tsukki.

Hinata POV

Hmm that little concert went well. I'm sure they were shocked by the new song. I posted it right after the concert and almost instantly got a million views. I decided to text Tsukki to see how he was doing.

Hey, my sister is asleep now finally lol. How'd you like the concert ?

Tsukki🦖😍: Hey Sho, I just finished listening to the song again. I just can't stop listening😅

Hah yeah it was so great, Natsu kept dancing around and cheering

Tsukki🦖😍: I wish I could play guitar as good as him. And you too, you're like almost as good as him, did you take lessons or something ?

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