Chapter 4

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A/N: So I'm gonna do a little time skip to their performance. I feel like it's going a bit slow and I kinda wanna get into their relationship soon. I don't wanna just keep going day by day lol. So this chapter starts with their performance for music class, I hope you guys are enjoying my story. Thanks for reading, I appreciate everyone reading.❤️

The song is the same as the last chapter.

Hinata POV

Me and Tsukki sat backstage doing our warm up for our performance. He was so nervous, but it was exciting to me.

"Do you think the team will make it ? What if I mess up and then they have something to bully me for !?", Tsukki panicked.

I put my hands on his shoulder and sat him down on the stool, "Tsukki, I'm here. You won't mess up. I'll sing louder than you if you want me to, and I'll play guitar louder too. I'll even throw in some extra chords and cause more attention on me so they're not focused on you."

He frowned, "But then nobody will even notice me at all.. What if somebody records and posts it online and RedNinja sees it and hates how I did !?"

"I will always notice you, Tsukki. And if it's posted online, I'm sure RedNinja will ignore me and see you shine. You're amazing and everyone will see that no matter what I do. If you want me to cause distraction and play and sing louder, just look over to me and nod. I'll be watching you while we play", I smiled at him, not realizing my hands were now on his cheeks. "O-oh I'm sorry.. heh.." I put my hands behind my back and smiled nervously.

He sat there and blushed lightly, covering his face, "Thank you Sho.. I really appreciate this. I would've failed this performance if it weren't for you."

I chuckled and made sure my guitar was tuned before we were called. Once we got on stage, I fixed the track that we were gonna use that didn't have guitar or the voice since we were doing that ourselves. I plugged my guitar into the amp and looked at Tsukki to make sure he was ready and he nodded. I started it up and sat on my stool, waving to the crowd before the music started up.

*play the song now*

I noticed the team and I chuckled as Noya sat on Asahi's shoulders to see better.

I heard my cue and began playing my guitar, getting the crowd hyped up. Soon, Tsukki caught his cue and began singing. I sang some parts with him, but not as loud.

Soon the build up came and Tsukki looked at me, nodding. I nodded back and jumped off the stool, playing and singing louder. I felt like I was doing a REAL performance. Except I wasn't RedNinja at the moment.. I was just me. I looked over at Tsukki and he was singing with me and he didn't look nervous at all.

As we performed the song, I looked through the crowd and saw that they were all so excited. I might've showed off my guitar skills a bit more than I wanted to, but it was so worth it. The team was shocked that we were performing together and so well, but they loved it. I was so into it, I even began head-banging as I played. I was having the BEST time of my life. My fingers were on fire and I didn't even care. I can't wait to perform as RedNinja someday.. Maybe soon..

We finished our song and I set my guitar down to bow with Tsukki. We got a huge applause and I'm pretty sure we got bonus points for that. Apparently we won 1st place, but I didn't even know it was a competition. We went backstage and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"WE DID ITTTTT !! TSUKKI THAT WAS SO EXCITINGGG !!!" I shouted as I jumped onto him, hugging him tight.

"Hah, yeah we did. Now get down I'm tired", he chuckled, patting my back.

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