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"LDR was never your thing, Lun. Lo juga mau berangkat ke London kan? Yaudah nothing to lose lah."

Jess kini tengah berusaha menenangkan Luna yang sejak tadi belum berhenti menangis. She just broke up with her highschool boyfriend.

"Luke jahat banget sih anjing, belom juga usaha udah kendor aja." ujar Luna di sela tangisnya.

"He's just being realistic, Lun. Lo pikir Bandung-London jaraknya kayak Cikini-Menteng?" tanya Jess.

Luna hanya terdiam. Dalam hati sebenarnya ia juga mencoba untuk realistis, namun tetap saja hatinya sakit.

"You and him can still be friends, can't you?" tanya Jess lagi.

Luna mengangkat bahunya. She can't even stand seeing him anymore, apalagi temenan lagi?

Nathaniel Lucas, or Luke for short. He was Luna's first love in high school. They dated for about 2 years until he broke up with her through message yesterday. He said that he can't stand the distance cause Luna is about to leave to London next week.

"Can i get a boyfriend as hot as him again?" tanya Luna setelah tangisnya mereda dan disambut oleh pukulan dari Jess.

"No wonder he dumped you." timpal Jess.

Kini mereka berdua tengah berada di apartemen Luna untuk mempersiapkan keberangkatan mereka ke London minggu depan. They got accepted at the same university, ICL, and of course the same major too.

London was always Luna's dream place. Since her mom was born there, and also died there, when Luna was six. She wants to reminisce her childhood memories with her mom there. Now he live in Jakarta with her dad and her brother, Caleb, because of his dad's work.

Luke sendiri memilih untuk kuliah di Bandung. He's one year older than Luna so they actually have been on an LDR for a year and now, since Luna will REALLY be studying abroad, they can't stand it any longer.

"Go get your stuff, lazy ass. We got hella lot to pack." Jess melempar baju Luna yang belum dilipat ke arah sahabatnya itu.

"I hate you." cibir Luna.

Mereka kembali sibuk dengan melipat baju-baju dan juga memasukkan beberapa barang ke dalam kotak. They will leave in 4 days, and they still got a lot of things to do, seperti membeli perlengkapan kampus (seems like it will be cheaper if they bought it in Indo), and farewell greetings with their highschool friends (not too necessary but they have to do it they guess).

Caleb pulang ke apartemen tepat saat Luna dan Jess selesai membereskan barang-barang. Ia baru saja selesai latihan futsal bersama teman-teman sekolahnya.

"So it's getting real, isn't it?" tanya Caleb saat melihat koper-koper di sudut ruangan.

"Afraid of missing me, ya?" tanya Luna sambil mengacak rambut adiknya yang kini telah tumbuh lebih tinggi darinya.

"Keep dreaming." sahut Caleb sambil membuka kulkas.

Ia meneguk sebotol air dingin yang diambilnya dari kulkas, kemudian berjalan ke ruang tv sambil menenteng tas nya.

"Hai, Jess." sapa Caleb saat melewati Jess yang tengah menonton America's Next Top Model di TV.

"No more 'kak' ya?" tanya Jess asal. Caleb terkekeh.

"Why bother when you're only two years older than me." jawab Caleb sambil duduk di sebelah Jess.

"Funny cause you called Luke abang." ujar Jess. Caleb tertawa.

"He's fucking three years older than me i should pay more respect." jawabnya. Jess mendengus.

Caleb menyandarkan kepalanya di sofa kemudian membuka ponselnya. Jess tak bergeming dari tontonannya sama sekali.

"Do you guys hungry? Cause i crave some pizza." ujar Luna dari arah dapur.

"Make it cheesy bites!" ujar Caleb tanpa mengalihkan pandangannya dari ponsel.

"You kidding? Stuffed crust all the way, Lun." timpal Jess.

Luna menghampiri mereka berdua sambil berkacak pinggang, "Gue gak nanya lo berdua mau pinggiran apa gak sih?"

Yang ditanya hanya nyengir lebar. Luna rolled her eyes but ended up ordering their requests.

She continued to pack her stuff in her bedroom. She was busy with her things until she found some polaroid, which was taken a month ago at Taman Safari. It's a photo of her and Luke, when everything still on its right place.

Luna tersenyum. She finally started to realize that maybe this is the best decision for both of them. They ended their relationship on a good term, right?

Luna put the polaroid into her bag. She decided to take it to London, she doesn't know why. She just thought it's the right thing to do.

And she hoped she won't regret it.

A Place Called Home | nct haechanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang