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Feeling worthless isn't easy,
Being told makes it worst,

They all made it seem like it was easy,
Like it'd never get worst,

Now all I feel is loneliness,
Drawing things that make no sense,

I feel guilty,
Cause they look creepy,

Like a curse,
Like how I seem

It's not easy,
Feeling like you're being used,

Then when you are, it's much worst.

Like a toy,
Being put down,

Torn up,
And thrown away,

Only picked up,
When I'm needed,

Save your tears,
Make you happy,

Forced to smile,
And tell you you're lucky.

When what I really want,
Is to run away,

Give up being me,
Quit running from myself,

So frustrating,
I don't know what to do,

Is it always like this?
Do they always do this to you?

I'm left in the dark,
With nothing to do,

Left in the light,
To be blinded by the shine,

I block out positivity,
Block out your extravagant vibe,

I don't wanna be told it'll be alright,
Tell me it gets much worse,

Please don't lie to me,
Don't let me continue being a curse.

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