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I've dreamt about the same girl every night for the past two weeks. Tonight, she sits in the same cell curled up into a ball as she weeps. Her long auburn hair drapes over her face like a veil as she cries. I wish I could reach out and comfort her, but I know I can't. My dream about her tonight seems to be just like all the other dreams I have about her.

I feel as if I've seen this girl before, yet I know I haven't. Maybe she's one of the patients at my dad's facility. I thought to myself after my first dream about her. When I asked my father about the girl, he laughed, and immediately changed the subject.

As my dream continues, so does the girls weeping, until a man finally steps into view. Whoever the man is, he seems to terrify the girl, as she weeps even harder at the sight of him.
"Get up." He hisses.
She does as told and gets onto her feet.
"Why don't you just let me go?" She says as she wipes a few tears off of face.
"I will let you go if you do as told, and perform and explain your power." The man says though gritted teeth. He stares at a girl for what feels like forever. "I will ask you this question only once, will you cooperate today, or not?"
"I refuse to cooperate or do anything for you." She says. Before she can look up, the man slaps her and she gasps and crumples onto the floor.

Then, I finally realize who this man is. He's my father, and he's not "treating" this girl, but is holding her hostage. I must find her.

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