Chapter 3

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A few months passed and you guys were kinda friends? He would bother you all the time but you just don't understand him. You don't want to talk to him but you also can't push him away you think there's no harm in having a little fun with an annoyingly funny man. But you have no idea how dangerous he actually is even though he genuinely started enjoying your company and meant you no harm

Hanma's pov

Yayy I'm gonna meet y/n today well I did have a hard time convincing her to meet me. We were hanging out like we normally do, we bought food and split the bill cuz she doesn't want to be 'dependant' lol. I like y/n she's like my best friend but she's also rude and annoying but that's what makes her fun, I love teasing her and she likes being salty? I want to keep hanging out with her more and more she's never boring. I know she doesn't like me but enjoys my company.

We were walking and she ordered me to give her a piggy back ride because she's tired she always does this. She also steals my jackets and hoodies cuz she's cold but they look good on her because she always wears baggy clothes doesn't make much difference lol. We stop at the park and sit because I'm tired of carrying that monkey.

We make plans to meet next week because she has a school holiday and she doesn't want to stay home. She went to the vending machine to buy us some soda. Meanwhile I'm getting bored and see a girl sitting alone I go to her decide to flirt because why not. I'm trying to talk to the girl and the girl nervously laughing she seems like an easy target hehe.

Y/n's pov

"Oh shoot I must've kept him waiting" I said to myself while jogging back and I see him flirting with a random girl "what an idiot" I sigh and haha I have an idea, an evil smirk appears on my face and I walk to him pulling one of his wrists and making him trun towards me, I hold his face with my other hand and lean close as I pull him closer and glare at the girl from the side she picked her bag and ran off I look back at Hanma and push him away saying "Sike! You wish" and start laughing that was so funny I just ruined his chance of getting a girl.

Hanma pov

My face feels hot and I'm mad cuz she didn't kiss me? Wtf? I look at her and say "were you jealous that I'll have a girlfriend and ditch you? Aww such a cutie♡" she continues laughing and says "yeah you wish I was, you should've seen her face and god yours" well yes? I thought she was gonna kiss me ofcourse I was surprised. I've never felt this way before we were always close but we never kissed nor hugged neither showed any affection but today when she was so close to my face I felt something I wanted to kiss her whatever this was I'm confused but anyway forget it. And I walked her home she wouldn't stop making fun of me I smack her head from the back and she punches me playfully while laughing like an idiot. People think we're crazy but fuck them! We are crazy♡

(Time skip, next week)

Y/n pov

I wake up at 9am on a holiday when I hear my phone blowing up with texts "ughh Hanma that idiot I want to sleeeeep" I open the texts and realise I've to meet him in an hour. I wake up, get ready and eat my breakfast and "I'll be back by evening!" I say waving bye to my mom "bye sweetie take care" my mom says as I rush out cuz I'm going to be late.

We were supposed to meet at park I look at my phone and realise I'm not actually late so I slow down "Hanma is annoying but I like hanging out with him, I know he's a gang member and stuff but guess he's not that bad afterall" I said to myself.

And I reached the spot Hanma was already there he asked me to hop on his motorcycle but he knew I hated bike rides as it makes my hair messy but again I'll be alone and bored today if not for this idiot, so I hop on and he says "I have some work with a friend so we'll be stopping by for a while" and I agree nodding and say "oh wow you have friends?" I say and giggle "you're one to talk, you had no friends to hang out today other than me" I roll my eyes but immediately get back at him saying "haha who said you're my friend ew" He smirks with satisfaction for getting me and says "oh ofcourse I'm not your friend, I'm your boyfriend aren't I?" He says smiling like a moron I pinch him from the back saying no and he asks me to stop or we'll both fall.

We stop at a coffee shop a little far from our place cuz it was supposed to be a secret meeting lmaoo he makes it sound like a tv drama. I walk in with him and this guy with glasses and blonde hair stands in front of us and my eyes meet with his HOLY SHIT! This guy gives me the chills, I want to stay far away from him, very far. "Kisakiii" Hanma says and smiles at him with excitement, why is this man so excited again? Well he's Hanma that shouldn't be surprising.

I sit on different table and they both sit together because they want to discuss something 'confidential' my my Hanma keeps secrets damn anyway I go and order some coffee because I was bored I go and sit on the next table as they were busy talking. I was sipping my coffee and accidentally over heard a part of their conversation "so it's going to be a muder!" Hanma said with glowing eyes filled with excitement and idk ig Kisaki asked him to keep it down I couldn't hear stuff after that.

I was still shocked I did have a feeling this Kisaki guy was shady but what the fuck!? He's hella dengerous. "I can't wait to beat them till all of their bones break♡" Hanma said standing up like it's his favourite hobby. I was right! I was right from the start he is dangerous I should have stayed away from him fuck!.

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