Chapter 7

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[Tenjiku Arc SPOLIER ahead]

Y/n pov

Ugh!! Hanma's going to meet Kisaki today I wonder what trouble Hanma will get into because of that cunning mf Kisaski, it's not like Hanma's innocent but he wouldn't ruin people's lives cuz he be dumb lol.


"Hello! So how was it? Meet up with your BeST FRiEnD?" I ask Hanma emphasizing the bestfriend "ohhh about that" Hanma starts as we settle on couch. We were just hanging out like usual.

"There's a big fight coming up, I mean BIG big" Hanma replies. Ugh I'm so sick of him fighting but this big fight he's talking about, I've a bad feeling but I'm not gonna say anything, I don't want to know. "Ugh you and your stupid fights! Anyway what game are we playing today?" I ask trying to change the topic, I know I'm running away from facing the other side of him but I'm okay with this I just want to be happy and he seems genuinely nice towards me.

We decide on a game and start playing "and yeah the loser buys the other ice cream" I say just to make the game fun, ice cream is kind of our thing now we have ice cream atleast once a week cuz that's where it all started.

"Fuck!!" Hanma yelled as he lost the game he picked, he can look really cute sometimes hehe. "So you're buying me ice cream this weekend don't forget LoOsEr" I say with a grin, Hanma sighs and says "yeah yeah whatever you say ma'am"

Both of us sat back on the couch and relaxed. We were on our phones, I bored so I started reading a random manga and he was idk texting his boys I guess I didn't really bother. I lean my back on Hanma's shoulder and put my legs on the couch and continued reading after a while Hanma moved his arm to grab a bag of chips on the table nearby, I was busy reading and Hanma was my back support I suddenly fell back on his lap as he moved.

Hanma immediately grabbed me so I accidentally don't fall down and we had this moment of eye contact. Few seconds passed and we're still looking at eachother he starts leaning closer to my face and I got caught up too but as our faces got closer I snapped out and bumped my forehead to his "ouch! What was that for dumb bitch" he said rubbing his forehead "don't move without warning I could've fell off the couch" I said trying not make things awkward "well that would've been fun to watch" he said chuckling I threw a cushion on his face as he started laughing.

He picked up another cushion and threw it on me, we started throwing cushions at eachother and ended up running around the house and when we finally got tired, I left because it was getting late.


Today's the day, Hanma's big fight. Yes I did say I'd stay out of it but something's been bothering me, I just have a bad feeling about it.

I grabbed my jacket and headed out. One of his minions just happened to be my classmate so I got a little information from him.

I finally arrived at the place but I can't find him, I start walking down the road and found him fighting Draken from Tokyo manji gang he's quite famous. They seem exhausted, Hanma's all beat up he could fall apart any second.

But I know he's weirdly strong and won't be taken down easily. Draken punched him in the face, he was about to fall so I stepped forward to catch him, he fell on my chest. "Ahh boobs" he said exhaling in exhaustion I push him away from my body and try keeping my tough act, I can't let him know I'm concerned the slightest.

Draken obviously doesn't know me so he looked at Hanma and said "don't you know how to behave with women!?" As he respected women and Hanma with a stupid grin on his face said "oh don't you know? She's my girlfriend" as he settled down. I give him the 'wtf bitch' look, "are you going to kill him? Or should I?" I asked Draken eyeing Hanma "ughh anyway" I look at Draken and softy ask him "please leave him to me, I'm a friend of his" with a smile to let him know that I'm an acquaintance, Draken just sighs and nods his head, I bow down as thank you and he leaves.

I walk towards Hanma and help him get up. We make our way towards the direction Kisaki ran towards as we heard a commotion nearby. We get closer and now we can see, it's Kisaki he's lying dead on the ground no way what the hell what happened!? I do hate Kisaki but he's DEAD for real, he's a person too. I look at Hanma knowing it would be hard for him, Kisaki was his partner he'd obviously be affected by it.

I held Hanma's hand and we walk away from the accident spot, he was shocked he didn't say word like his mind was frozen. I make him sit down and start wiping the blood of his face.

I got up and stood away from him to give him his space. After a while Hanma started walking and I walk with him. He walks towards his motorcycle and says "I'll have to be away for a while" with a soft smile "umhm and how long is that?" I ask him "a few months or maybe a year the cops will be looking for me" he replies. He's joking right? A year? No he's not joking he's serious. "Oh I see" I said because I'm at a loss of words.

"well then I guess this is goodbye" he said looking and he looked up again. There that eye contact thing happened again and this time I started walking towards him, I don't want to regret not doing this later it's now or never. Cupped his face and We kissed, I lean my forehead to his closing my eyes "I'll be back I promise" he said and I backed away and nodded my head and watched him drive away.

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