Chapter 10

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Y/n pov

After getting a good amount of sleep, I wake to realise I'm in arms. I tried processing everything that happened so I slept with Hanma? Wow okay I guess.

I grab my phone from the night stand beside my bed and check the time it's 7pm we slept for hours. I move Hanma's heavy hands from my body and gently place them on his chest. I move my feet on the floor trying to find my flip flops and put them on.

Hanma looks so innocent while sleeping aww, I open my phone camera and take a snap of his cute face, he's too cute to be woken up I'll let him rest.

I go to kitchen to the kitchen and start looking for things to cook. After looking for 5 minutes straight, I decided to make instant ramen because I can't cook for shit lol my diet is unhealthy and I don't feel like eating, a type of eating disorder you could say, I mostly skipped meals when I was younger too because I didn't like my mum's cooking  but I'm as bad as my mum at cooking I can't- I started heating the water for the instant ramen.

Hanma pov

Ahh looks like i over slept, I woke alone on y/n's bed. I walked to kitchen only to see y/n pouring water in a kettle? I walked towards her and hugged from behind resting my face on her warm neck while she was spacing out and said "good morning, I mean evening baby" and kissed her cheek

"rude of you to leave me alone on bed" I said making her turn around leaning on the kitchen counter and snaking her arms around my neck. "Well you looked too adorable I didn't want to disturb you" she said and kissed my lips, she unwrapped her arms turned towards the kettle.

"What are you doing?" I asked "um making instant ramen for us? We haven't eaten for a while you must be hungry" she replied. Oh yeah she barely eats actual food, she survives on snacks and instant ramen, sometimes eats out or gets it delivered.

"No wait don't" i said and open her fridge to see if there was anything to cook, well it was excepted I didn't really find anything. I put on a hoodie and rushed to the grocery store "2 mins I'll be right back wait for me" i said and shut the door.

Y/n pov

Oh Hanma's back, he placed the bag on the table panting and removed the hoodie revealing his abs like he came running. He tied an apron and started cooking as I sat on the tiny dining table and watched him.

The food was getting ready it smelled so good, so many thoughts running on my mind like 'holy shit that looks delicious' 'food's not the only thing that looks delicious-' 'that apron omg' 'is he trying to seduce me?' 'his well toned back i-' 'he can cook' 'wife me pls-' 'husband material' 'I'm starting to feel hungry' 'rail me on the contour pls-' 'he's so cute'

Hanma walked towards me with two big bowls in his hands and placed them on the table "here I made proper fresh Ramen I learnt from pops, try it" he said I snapped out of my thoughts and took a taste of it and let me tell you it was inexplicably amazing "wow- this is amazing I didn't know you could cook" I said and we ate together.

We rest on the couch and I start finishing the little college assignment I left, I'm majoring Architecture and Hanma was passing time on his phone.

I finished my assignment so closed my laptop and placed it on the table. I turned towards Hanma leaning on him and showed him the picture I clicked while he was sleeping and teased him. "Hanma what are we?" I asked out of nowhere "umhm idk but definitely not friends, you don't have any friends" he added, I chuckled and leaned closer to his face asking "well then will you be my boyfriend?"

Hanma's eyes widened, he looked surprised but then his lips curled into and smile and he closed his eyes sighing and said "already am" and pulled me closer and gently but passionately kissed me, he pulled away, I thought he was gonna tell me something romantic but "now will you delete that picture for your boyfriend pleasee" he asked, I laughed and said "lol there's no way I'd delete that" and kissed him again.


6 years time skip

Me and Hanma have been together for 6 years now, we're very happy together I'm glad I ignored all those red flags 8 years ago it was worth the risk. We're now 24, I'm an architect and Hanma owns two branches of his Ramen shop.

Hanma walks out of our shared bedroom while I was sitting in the living room laying out an office plan for a client. We started living together, our house is beautiful well cuz it's an architect's house and Hanma cooks delicious food for me everyday and makes sure that I eat, I've gotten rid of my eating disorder. Sometimes we go out on cute dates we're in love with other.

He's just so perfect for me.

(a/n: one more chapter and I'll be ending this fanfic, also i love the next chapter I'll try publishing it asap. Thanks for reading, vote if you liked it)

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