Chapter 9 🍋

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(a/n: okay guys, get ready to read my horrible smut chapter, like I'm so sorry T_T this is my first time writing smut, time to leave the planet :D  anyway I'll keep trying)

Y/n and Hanma go to their regular ice cream store and catch up as they were away for two years. They spoke about their new part time jobs and y/n's new college. They missed eachother more than they knew.

Y/n pov

I'm so glad he's back, I never knew we'd gotten this close and he means so much to me. I don't want to lose him again, these two years I felt so loney without him. Now I'm sure, it's obviously clear that I have feelings for him and I'm not gonna deny them anymore, but well hopefully he feels the same way.

I wonder if the kiss we shared actually meant something to him or not cuz if it didn't mean anything to him I swear to god I'll whoop his ass, it meant so much to me.

And soon before we knew we started hanging out again like we used to, we're starting to get really comfortable with eachother like we before it's just that he's kinda matured? Not sure if that's the right terms but he's not crazy like he used to be.


It's a Sunday and I have my day off at work and college. I decided to meet Hanma after his afternoon shift so I stopped by his shop only to see a girl flirting with him as he handed her flowers, this bitch. I walked towards them and hugged Hanma from behind and said "hey babe! I thought your shift ended a while ago, we have a DATE today" I move forward facing the Hanma with sequined eyes and forced a smile and eyed the girl as I kissed his lips.

Hanma pov

Now that was surprising but I can't say I'm not enjoying y/n getting jealous and giving me hugs. The girl got intimated by y/n's glares, she took the flowers and left as soon as she payed for them. "Y/n you shouldn't scare customers off" I said shaking my head, she leaned closer to me and said "you shouldn't flirt with costumers either" and pressed her finger on my nose.

I quickly finish my shift and go back to y/n who's waiting for me. "So what about our DATE?" I question her with a smirk on my face, "Date? What date?" She squinted her eyes, I raised my eyebrows waiting for her to realise it herself "ohhh yeah that, I was obviously kidding lol but... if you want maybe you could call it a date?" She said looking down and guess she's blushing can't say it's y/n after all.

We go a burger house to grab lunch, after we ate lunch y/n suggested we go to her appartment to play the new game she bought. We stopped at a convince store on the way cuz we normally eat a lot of snacks while playing.

We played for a while and finished the snacks we bought. Y/n kept losing so she tossed the controller aside and said she gives up. One thing that never changes about her, she's so bratty but only when she's with me, that makes me feel so special I'm so lucky to have y/n by my side I don't think I've ever felt this way before.

Third person pov

Y/n lays on Hanma's lap and checks her phone as Hanma traces her face, they aren't a couple but sure are more than friends. Once y/n's done checking her phone she keeps her phone away and starts playing with Hanma's hair while she's still laying on his lap, she sits up and looks into Hanma's eyes saying "your hair looks beautiful"

Hanma wraps his arms around her without breaking eye contact and says "you're beautiful" with a soft smile. There! that soft little smiles from Emo Hanma just makes her heart melt. She cups Hanma's face "so are you" she says and plants a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Y/n pull his face closer to hers and starts kissing him passionately, he bites her lower lip and slips his tongue in. Their tongues fighting for dominance, y/n wouldn't give in so easily but Hanma ended up being taking the dominance. Y/n is now sitting on his lap, on her living room floor.

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