extra- sexual tension

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Random flashback before Hanma and y/n started dating.

The pair always had sexual tension between them but denied to acknowledge it, thinking it would ruin their friendship.

Nobody's pov

Hanma and y/n had dinner at Hanma's place. She decided to do the dishes as Hanma cooked dinner she had to do her part.

He walked into the kitchen saying "I ordered the desert" and sees y/n washing the dishes "let me help you" he insisted wanting to lend a hand but y/n refused "no, I can't let you do all the work" she said still looking at the dishes.

Hanma tries grabbing the scrubber from her hand but y/n was quick to react, gamer's reflexes. Hanma leaned closer to snatch it from her, now Hanma's body against y/n's back.

He placed his hand on the counter and the other trying to grab the scrubber from y/n's stubborn ass, moving around unintentionally rubbing against eachother.

Hanma finally caught y/n's wrist, pressing his body harder against her restricting her movement, y/n tried wriggling her body that's pressed against the counter to get lose of his grip. Again unintentionally causing friction between y/n's ass under her long skirt and Hanma's clothed cock.

"Let go" y/n said wriggling her lower body and wrist "then give me the scrubber" Hanma said in a soft voice "no" she said lowkey enjoying it. Y/n felt something poking her ass as she kept wriggling, she realised what she was doing and stopped grinding against his hard, still not letting go of the scrubber.

Hanma leaned down to her ear and whispered "don't stop" his warm breath was hitting her cold ears. Hanma rested his face on the crook of her warm neck and started rubbing himself on her ass causing more friction.

With the sexual tension growing between them, y/n felt Hanma breathing on her neck and slightly lifted her head tilting it so he'd have more access to her neck and closed her eyes getting caught up.

Hanma moved his hand that rested on the counter and slipped it under her t-shirt gripping her waist, rubbing his hard erection against her ass, he gently started kissing her neck.
"mhmm Hanma" y/n breathed.

Y/n let go of the scrubber and took support from the counter. Hanma wanted to bend her over, pin her to the counter and fuck her from behind but he didn't want to be to force her or be pushy.

Y/n slowly got rid of the gloves she was wearing and wiped her hand with a cloth while Hanma was still kissing her neck and grinding against her

Y/n put her hand on Hanma's head and slowly turned around, their faces were only inches apart. In a blink of an eye their lips crashed together and they started making out.

Hanma lifted y/n and made her sit on the counter with her legs apart, with their lips still connected. Y/n wrapped her legs around Hanma's Torso and pulled him closer, her skirt was slightly lifted up and now his hard was directly pressing against her cunt clothed with wet panties.

Y/n subconscious jerked her hips slightly forward making her let out a small moan, she slowly started grinding her wet cunt against his hard, the cloth of her panties and his pants creating friction.

Hanma pulled out of the kiss and started kissing her neck, y/n ran her fingers through his scalp and gripped his black blond locks.

While they were busy making out, someone rang the doorbell. They immediately snapped out of it and backed away. Y/n fixed her skirt and got off the counter, "I'll" Hanma paused and pointed at the door and continued "get the door" and walked out of the kitchen.

It was the delivery guy, delivering their dessert. Y/n was super flustered processing everything that just happened but pulled herself together before Hanma returned, on his way to the dining table he decided it would be best if he didn't talk about it unless she did.

"dessert?! get the bowls" Hanma said walking in with a paper bag, both of you chose to not talk about it and pretend like nothing happened. Thus the situation was unacknowledged and they were stuck as "friends"

(Wriggling is a word in British english, I don't know my keyboard says it's wrong idc)

(a/n: wrote an extra chapter because why not :D)

inspired by @-ghoulishwriter-

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